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Pandas are wild animals. Pandas live in the bamboo forest. Only about1,000 of giant pandas have survived in the wild.

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4 Pandas are wild animals. Pandas live in the bamboo forest. Only about1,000 of giant pandas have survived in the wild.

5 These pandas eat nothing but bamboo shoots and leaves. They eat other things but they mostly only eat eat bamboo shoots and leaves but they can eat small animals.

6 Pandas eat fast they eat a lot and they about 12 hours a day doing it. To stay healthy they have to eat a lot and up to 15 percent or their body weight in 12 hours so they eat fast. The snap of these teeth helps the animals crush the bamboo shoots leaves and stems they eat.

7 To get the bamboo to their mouths they hold the stems with their front paws which have enlarge wrist bones that act like thumbs for gripping. Pandas are shy they don’t venture were people live.

8 Pandas climb trees all the time to get what they need like there food they love and they really do love to eat and that is some panda facts!!!!!!!

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