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Do Now: What do you already know about GDP?.  Gross Domestic Product (GDP)  What is it?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: What do you already know about GDP?.  Gross Domestic Product (GDP)  What is it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: What do you already know about GDP?

2  Gross Domestic Product (GDP)  What is it?

3  Why is GDP a useful measure?  Measure of economy’s health  “mother of all economic indicators”  Economic growth

4  How is GDP an imperfect measure?  Consider what is not counted  Volunteer work  improvements in efficiency  qualitative changes (not just quantitative)  Underground economy  Standard of living?  Inflation  Population  Distribution of wealth

5  Factors Limiting Types of Products Counted  One year  Only final goods and services  Not intermediate  Only goods sold for first time

6  Adjusting Gross Domestic Product  Current GDP  Money GDP  Deflate with CPI  Why?

7  Real GDP  Constant Dollars  Base Year  Why?

8  Per Capita Real GDP  Population  Why?

9  Is GDP overrated as an expression of our economic well-being? Explain.

10  Economic Growth  Full Employment  Price Stability


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