AKE Workshop Kigali, Rwanda December 3 rd to 4 th, 2007 That was then, this is now: Updating e-Stories.

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Presentation on theme: "AKE Workshop Kigali, Rwanda December 3 rd to 4 th, 2007 That was then, this is now: Updating e-Stories."— Presentation transcript:

1 AKE Workshop Kigali, Rwanda December 3 rd to 4 th, 2007 That was then, this is now: Updating e-Stories

2 Recap in a nutshell…. AKE I Dec 07: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania www.africaknowledgeexchange.org : VWS, online interaction, tasks, pollwww.africaknowledgeexchange.org AKE II June 08: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique*, Namibia, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda AKE I f-2-f December 07 Nairobi, Kenya On-line interaction March 08 The Africa Knowledge Exchange Virtual Workspace AKEII June 08 Kigali, Rwanda

3 The Start… September 2006 multi-country workshop on Teacher Professional Development (TPD) in Namibia. Number of recurring issues discussed leading to the work stream (thematic area) on ICTs in Teaching and Learning in addition to other work streams Aim : to respond to the needs of its partner countries while addressing the identified key gaps. African Knowledge Exchange (AKE) initiative to facilitate the sharing of knowledge, experiences and lessons learned about ICTs in Education. –Workshop series to explore critical issues in ICTs in Education. –The AKE workshop (Part I ) –VWS –AKE II

4 AKE Objectives: A Reminder… Provide a platform to identify and address critical challenges in ICTs in Education, such as e-learning content and pedagogy, access and infrastructure, and capacity building Share knowledge and tools about the cost-effective and education-effective use of ICTs in Education Share knowledge, information, and experiences on lessons learned in ICTs in Education from the GeSCI work in partner countries Develop models and practices appropriate for the African context and share them widely when validated Build capacity by developing deeper understanding of the ICT in Education issues through discussion, debate, online communities and peer to peer exchange

5 AKE Objectives: A Reminder… Facilitate peer-to-peer exchange on ICTs in Education and e-learning programmes amongst countries Build a knowledge sharing and learning community on ICTs in Education in Sub Sahara Africa (SSA) Work in collaboration with other knowledge sharing and building organizations, such as the Global Alliance on ICTs and Development, GAID, UNESCO, and Global Knowledge Partnership Build regional and global partnerships for ICTs in Education for SSA

6 VWS Objectives: A Reminder… Community to develop, identify, test and share emerging practices on e-Learning in general and the integration of ICTs in education in particular (ICT4E). Specific objectives: create a virtual gathering place using networked technology for collaboration among AKE partner countries across geographical barriers and time zones; provide a space for task orientation, development and discourse based upon emerging and evolving partner needs; enable sharing of information on trends and developments in the field of e-learning regionally and internationally; facilitate peer-to-peer exchange on e-learning programmes in development amongst partners.

7 Lessons learnt… Countries embark on ambitious programmes for e-learning and for deploying ICTs in Education, without fully understanding the requirements for and implications of such programmes Most Ministries of Education lack the necessary capacity to plan, integrate and deploy ICTs effectively into their education systems The existing networks for ICTs in Education need strengthening Well-defined and focused peer to peer exchanges are invaluable in sharing information and promising practice

8 Lessons learnt… In order to keep countries engaged in knowledge exchange activities it is necessary to maintain a hands-on, practitioner focus to the programme, and promote a dialogue among countries about the challenges individual countries face Including participants in the planning and preparation for the knowledge sharing exchanges ensures sustained interest and participation

9 Peer-to-peer Exchange Buzz Group Discussions –Ghana, Ethiopia –Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa –Namibia, Uganda –Senegal, Rwanda

10 Peer-to-peer Exchange Buzz Group Discussions Discussion objective: –To provide a forum for sharing practical experiences and lessons on e-learning and/or e-learning centres since AKE I Discussion focus: updating e-stories –What has been happening in the last six (6) months? –Wives and Husband – What? Why? Who? When? How? –How did you apply the ‘learnings’ from AKE I? –What activities have you done based on AKE I to promote e-learning programmes and/or e-learning centres? –What have been the results?

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