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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 12 P3 – SECURITY PROTECTION MECHANISMS Cambridge Technicals."— Presentation transcript:


2 P3 – the outcome of this section Research each of the topics on the following slides and produce a report entitled “Security protection mechanisms”. Begin the report with a short introduction about how you are going to explain how different methods can be used to enhance the security of web sites. Try to include examples wherever possible.

3 P3 Firewalls What is the purpose of a firewall? Can a firewall be software and/or hardware based? Can you find an example of a software program which acts as a firewall?

4 P3 – Secure Socket Layers What is a secure socket laer? You need to explain this in simple terms. This document will provide yo with the basic information. There are three separate pages for you to use. Secure socket layers It is particularly important that you write this section in your own words.

5 P3 Digital certificates What is meant by a digital certificate and how does this help security? This document will provide you with useful information. Look particularly at page 5 for information on how to view a certificate for a web site. Digital certificates

6 P3 Use of passwords What guidelines could you suggest for the creation of a secure password? There are plenty of sites offering advice online about how to do this. Carry out a web search and come up with your own list of rules for people to follow when creating passwords.

7 P3 Legal considerations There are a number of Acts covering the use of computers for communication. Research each of them and give a BRIEF account of how they are intended to promote security. The Data Protection Act (possible link)possible link Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (possible link). You just need to summarise the areas covered by these regulations.possible link The Computer Misuse Act (possible link – concentrate on slides 7-9)possible link

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