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Chapter 10-2. Recognition Identity of information to whether you have seen it before Recall Active reconstruction of information Reconstruction Process.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 10-2. Recognition Identity of information to whether you have seen it before Recall Active reconstruction of information Reconstruction Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 10-2

2 Recognition Identity of information to whether you have seen it before Recall Active reconstruction of information Reconstruction Process Memories may be altered depending upon our attitudes and experiences.

3 Primacy effect Info from the beginning of a list is remembered better Recency effect Info from the end of the a list is remembered better Serial Position Effect Recall of a list is affected by the order of items in a list

4 Temporary inability to remember information Can’t remember someone’s name – start naming characteristics about that person – name comes to you Brain creates a web of interconnected memories each one in context

5 Significant surprising event I remember were I was when JFK was shot 9/11 happened

6 Face blindness Unable to recognize familiar faces 60 minutes

7 Retrograde Amnesia Unable to remember some or all of their past Car accidents Anterograde Amnesia Unable to form new memories H.M. Case Study


9 Now that your eyes and brain are warmed up, let’s test your observation skills. You will have 10 seconds to study the photograph of a crime scene on the next slide. Try to pay attention to details as you will be asked 10 questions about the crime scene! You are not allowed to write anything down until after the time is up. Ready?


11 1. What color coffee mug was in the picture? Blue Red Yellow 2. When was the deadline? Yesterday Today Tomorrow 3. What time was on the clock on the wall? 10:40 11:05 1:55 4. How many sticky notes were on the whiteboard? Four Six Eight 5. Which of the following was NOT in the picture? Stapler Trash Can Printer 6. What was the name on the plaque on the desk? Bill Brian Carl 7. What color was the victim's shirt? Black Blue Red 8. How many plants were in the picture? None One Two 9. What was the color of the marker in the desk drawer? Red Blue Green 10. Where was the book in the picture? On a box In the trash can Under the body Source:

12 A person’s existing memories can be altered if a person is exposed to misleading information Car accident How fast were the cars going when they Contacted Hit Collided Smashed

13 According to The Innocence Project (2008) "Eyewitness misidentification is the single greatest cause of wrongful convictions nationwide, playing a role in more than 75% of convictions overturned through DNA testing." Still, the criminal justice system profoundly relies on eyewitness identification and testimony for investigating and prosecuting crimes (Wells & Olson, 2003).

14 Age – young and old do well when culprit is in lineup Cross Race Effect – people are better at recognizing faces of their own race Use of drugs Witness memory can be influenced by others and media

15 Traumatic crime – witness may focus on weapon Highly attractive or unattractive faces are more likely to be recognized Body piercings and tattoos are easily identifiable Time of day, position of witness, and familiarity of scene Video Video2

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