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Adding and Taking Away The Easy Way Mental Maths Learning Objectives I will be able to use a number of different mental strategies to add and subtract.

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Presentation on theme: "Adding and Taking Away The Easy Way Mental Maths Learning Objectives I will be able to use a number of different mental strategies to add and subtract."— Presentation transcript:


2 Adding and Taking Away The Easy Way

3 Mental Maths Learning Objectives I will be able to use a number of different mental strategies to add and subtract.

4 Adding on 22 + 17 = 22 10 32 7 39

5 Adding on 52 + 11 = 52 10 62 1 63

6 Adding on 43 + 15 = 43 10 53 5 58

7 Now you try!

8 Subtracting strategy 43 - 15 = 43 10 33 5 28

9 Subtracting strategy 33 - 23 = 33 10 13 3 10

10 Subtracting 73 - 17 = 73 10 63 7 56

11 You can now do it!

12 Mental Maths Learning Objectives I am now able to use a number of different mental strategies to add and subtract.

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