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Jennifer ate the last biscuit. Why would she want to leave us starving like that.

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Presentation on theme: "Jennifer ate the last biscuit. Why would she want to leave us starving like that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jennifer ate the last biscuit. Why would she want to leave us starving like that.

2 Plenty of my friends ride their bikes without helmets, so it’s OK for me to not wear my helmet.

3 If my dad lends me money then my sister will want to borrow money, and then the whole family will want to borrow money.

4 Mum’s new car is neither blue or red, therefore it must be black.

5 Don’t believe him about the dangers of alcohol, he is not cool.

6 The head teacher wants to employ an extra maths teacher. I can’t understand why she wants us to do maths all day long.

7 All my friends smoke. So, I am going to start too.

8 If we let girls wear earrings at school, pretty soon they will be covered in tattoos and piercings.

9 Dance class is not at 4 o’clock or 5 o’clock, so it must be at 7 o’clock.

10 Laura said the internet is great. What does she know, she is just a girl!

11 Jennifer ate the last biscuit. Why would she want to leave us starving like that.

12 Plenty of my friends ride their bikes without helmets, so it’s OK for me to not wear my helmet.

13 If my dad lends me money then my sister will want to borrow money, and then the whole family will want to borrow money.

14 Mum’s new car is not blue, therefore it must be red.

15 What does he know about Thinking Skills, he is almost bald!

16 The head teacher wants to employ an extra maths teacher. I can’t understand why she wants us to do maths all day long.

17 All my friends smoke. So, I am going to start too.

18 If we let girls wear earrings at school, pretty soon they will be covered in tattoos and piercings.

19 Dance class is not at 4 o’clock or 5 o’clock, so it must be at 7 o’clock.

20 Laura said the internet is great. What does she know, she is just a girl!

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