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Reading Strategies. Learning Target  To identify traits of good readers  To become stronger readers  To use strategies to improve my reading comprehension.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Strategies. Learning Target  To identify traits of good readers  To become stronger readers  To use strategies to improve my reading comprehension."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Strategies

2 Learning Target  To identify traits of good readers  To become stronger readers  To use strategies to improve my reading comprehension in all classes

3 What do good readers do?  As a group, let’s brainstorm a list of things that good readers do. Take about 3-4 minutes to brainstorm the list and discuss the topic.

4 Look at this chart. Make a list of the things you do well and the things you may not be so good at, then talk to each other about WHY. Which is most difficult? Record your answers to these on your own paper.

5 Think about it…  Why is reading important for school?  How do you use reading every day?  Why is reading important in the real world?  How do you think your study habits would change if you had specific strategies for reading?


7 Good readers…  Think about the text before ever reading it. {Predicitions- looking at the cover, title, pictures, reading the back, etc.}  Think about what they are reading AS they read {Am I understanding this? Does this make sense? What’s going on?}  Think about how this relates to other things {Text connections}

8 Text Connections  Text-to-text: how does this relate to other things I’ve read?  Text-to-self: how does this relate to me and my life experiences?  Text-to-world: how does this relate to the world around me or history?


10 What can help me before I read?  K-W-L  Complete the first two columns about the reading BEFORE you begin. The last column will help you reflect on what you learned after reading. What I KNOWWhat I Want to Know What I learned

11 Brainstorm Web- Before reading

12 Q&A Graphic Organizer  Create questions to start with, and then review the questions as you read or when you finish to see if you answered your questions: My QuestionAnswerEvidence (if any)

13 What can help me BEFORE I read?  5 word prediction: write a prediction about the text in 5 words or less.  Prediction statement: write a prediction statement about the text.  Vocabulary: take note of any vocabulary you see or have access to before reading  Sketch it: draw what you think might happen in the text or what you think it is about


15 While we read, we might…  Ask and answer questions: what just happened? Who is in the story? Where does this take place? What is going on?  Make and check predictions: Is this what I thought would happen? Why was my prediction incorrect?  Monitor comprehension: Do I understand what the text is telling me? How?

16 Text Coding: A great strategy  This is just a sample; you can use any text- coding strategy that works for you. Highlighting and colored pens may be used as wel!

17 Visual Vocabulary WordDefinition with context clues Visual/graphic

18 Turn and Talk/Partner Interview  If you are reading with someone, a turn and talk is a time to stop during your reading to discuss your text. This is a great time to determine any struggles you may have before finishing.

19 Sequence of Events/Timeline




23 Story Map


25 What should I do after reading?  Summarize: be able to summarize what you have read by writing it down or retelling it out loud  Graphic organizers: create images/graphics that represent the information you learned in an organized way  Questioning: answer questions about the text to show your understanding

26 3-2-1 Chart  You can change up the 3-2-1 boxes (vocabulary, differences/similarities, etc.)  You can do a 4-3-2-1 with a 4 square G.O. 3 facts/things I learned: 2 questions I still have: 1 connection I can make to the text:

27 Graphic Organizers of all kinds

28 Other After Strategies  Summarizing: write a summary sentence or paragraph, or use: Somebody Want But So.  Journal reflection: write your thoughts/feelings/ideas based on the text and your understanding.  Turn and talk: talk to a partner about the text

29 Assignment:  Using the text you have been assigned, choose ONE of each of the three strategies to use for reading the text. You need to keep each activity on the same sheet of paper and clearly label each part (before, during, and after) and explain the strategy you used.

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