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Feiertage in Deutschland Holidays in Germany Neujahr Tag der Deutschen Einheit FaschingNikolaustag HeiligabendWeihnachten Oktoberfest Silvester Ostern.

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2 Feiertage in Deutschland Holidays in Germany

3 Neujahr Tag der Deutschen Einheit FaschingNikolaustag HeiligabendWeihnachten Oktoberfest Silvester Ostern Proceed to Question.

4 Neujahr (New Year) 1. Januar People celebrate this holiday like in America Many parties Lots of fireworks “Gutes Neu Jahr” Church bells ring when the clock hits 12 Little children play New Year Games Eating cabbage and carrots ensures financial stability

5 Ostern ( Easter) The most important holiday besides Weihnachten in Germany Easter trees are used for decoration and eggs are usually hung on them Oftentimes the eggs are used every year Little children search for Easter eggs Everyone goes to church Students do not have to go to school

6 Oktoberfest (Octoberfest) Der Monat Oktober Not really a holiday, just a big celebration Takes place in München Crown Prince Ludwig married Princess Therese from Saxony-Hildburghausen on 12. October 1810 Citizens of München were invited to join the celebration The fields, now known as Wiesn, were originally named after the Princess (Theresienwiesen) Horse races took place, and the decision to have the races the following year eventually led to the celebration of Oktoberfest

7 Tag der Deutschen Einheit (Day of German Unity) 3. Oktober National holiday commemorating the reunification of East and West Germany in 1990 The Berlin Wall fell on 11. November 1989, but that date was not chosen as the Day of German Unity because it was the anniversary of Kristallnacht

8 Fasching, Karneval 11. November Very important in Köln, but not as important in other countries Mainly is celebrated by Catholics Begins on November 11 th, doesn’t end until three months later Rosenmontag, the 42 nd day before Easter, is the day where it climaxes Seen as a time where people can “go crazy” and “let their hair down” before Lent begins Many people wear different costumes and have a lot of celebrations

9 Nikolaustag (St. Nicholas Day) 6. Dezember Many kids put a clean boot (Nikolaus- Stiefel) out on the night of December 5 th The boots are filled with gifts, such as nuts, fruits, chocolate, and sweets, when St. Nikolaus comes around If the children were bad the previous year, they would get a tree branch (die Rute) instead of gifts Knecht Ruprecht is St. Nikolaus’ helper Knecht Ruprecht threatened to beat the children for misbehavior

10 Heiligabend (Christmas Eve) 24. Dezember Most important night of the Christmas celebration The children have to leave the room where the tree (der Tannenbaum) is until the Christmas bell is rung When bell rings, the kids can go into the room and the presents will be under the decorated tree or der Weihnachtsmann himself will be there Gifts are opened (die Bescherung - the exchanging of gifts) Dinner is served Families conclude the night by attending church

11 Weihnachten (Christmas Day) 25. Dezember Tradition of advent calendars (der Adventskalendar) Extended families get together to celebrate and share a meal Christmas Day is not as important as it is in America because most of the festivities occur on Christmas Eve

12 Silvester (New Year’s Eve) 31. Dezember Everybody celebrates New Year’s Eve Many cities and towns have parties Party at the Brandenburger Tor is the most famous Bleigiessen: the tradition of telling the future Molten lead was dropped into cold water, and based on the shape it formed, someone’s future would be predicted

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