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Introduction to Engineering Analysis:IEA Instructor: Prof. Zvi Rusak Office Hours: Tuesday: 4:00-6:00 PM JEC Room 4009 Tel.276-3036

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Engineering Analysis:IEA Instructor: Prof. Zvi Rusak Office Hours: Tuesday: 4:00-6:00 PM JEC Room 4009 Tel.276-3036"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Engineering Analysis:IEA Instructor: Prof. Zvi Rusak Office Hours: Tuesday: 4:00-6:00 PM JEC Room 4009 Tel.276-3036 Email: TA: Silvia Marpicati, Undergrad TA: Avetis Ioannisyan, Course web site:

2 Students Instructors:SI Ben Smith: –M, W: 7:00-8:00pm –Email: Rooms to be announced

3 Course Objective Integrated treatment of –static mechanics –computer laptop for solving engineering problems

4 Lecture 1: Outline IEA Web Site Preview Modeling of Problem Newtons’s Law Units Accuracy Vectors

5 Format of Course Mini-lectures In-class activities (some graded) Homeworks (hand-written and computer) 3 Exams: 20% Each = 60% total –Time:110 minutes each: 1 Final Exam: 20% Quiz & Homework: 20% –A quiz will be given every two weeks.

6 Format of Course Bring your laptop, pencil and paper, book. Your laptop should have: – WORD –Netscape –MAPLE & Excel

7 Mechanics Statics: Equilibrium: –F=0 –Mo=0 Dynamics: Motion –F = ma

8 MAPLE V A powerful symbolic computation package Only use computer tools when necessary.

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