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Do Now 12/12/11 Copy HW in your planner. Copy HW in your planner. Text page 132, #8-38 evens Text page 132, #8-38 evens Quiz sections 3.5-3.8 Wednesday.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now 12/12/11 Copy HW in your planner. Copy HW in your planner. Text page 132, #8-38 evens Text page 132, #8-38 evens Quiz sections 3.5-3.8 Wednesday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now 12/12/11 Copy HW in your planner. Copy HW in your planner. Text page 132, #8-38 evens Text page 132, #8-38 evens Quiz sections 3.5-3.8 Wednesday Quiz sections 3.5-3.8 Wednesday Chapter 3 Test Friday Chapter 3 Test Friday Be ready to copy POTW #3 and make sure your NAME is on the top of the page. Be ready to copy POTW #3 and make sure your NAME is on the top of the page.

2 Objective SWBAT solve equations using fractions SWBAT solve equations using fractions

3 Fraction Review

4 Adding Fractions with Common Denominators To ADD/SUBTRACT fractions with common denominators, add/subtract their numerators. Simplify if necessary. Simplify if necessary. Remember this…

5 Fractions with Different Denominators To ADD or SUBTRACT fractions with different denominators follow these steps: 1. Rewrite the fractions using a common denominator. 2. Add or subtract the numerators. 2. Add or subtract the numerators. 5: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 7: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 What is the common denominator? Equivalent fractions Remember this…

6 Multiply Rewrite as improper fractions and assign negative to numerator. Divide (cancel) common factors Multiply 1 4 Simplify Mixed Number times Mixed Number Remember this…

7 RECIPROCAL – two nonzero numbers whose product is 1. RECIPROCAL = MULTIPLICATIVE INVERSE INVERSE Remember this…

8 Divide Divide (cancel) common factors Multiply 5 -11 Assign negative sign to the numerator Remember this…

9 Equation- mathematical sentence with an equal sign mathematical sentence with an equal sign Like a scale, both sides must be balanced

10 Section 3-8 “Solving Equations Containing Fractions” Like a scale, the left side and right side must be the same in order to be balanced! Like a scale, the left side and right side must be the same in order to be balanced! + 2 = 5 7 7 7 7 Left side Right side x ‘x’ has to be 3/7 in order to make the equation balanced.

11 Solving Addition Equations… m + 7 = 14 7 77 77 77 7 18 18 m = m = 18 27 18 18 – – 21 21 54 54 = – 28 28 54 54 7 = Find common denominator

12 Solving Subtraction Equations… m – 3 = -11 3 33 33 33 3 8 m = m = 8 24 8 24 8 + + 9 24 24 = + -11 -11 24 24 -2 -2 24 24 = Find common denominator m = m = -1 -1 12 12 Remember your integer rules… -11 + 9 = -2

13 Solving Multiplication Equations… 2 = 4 2 = 43 2 m = m = 3 5 3 5 ∙ 3 2 6 5 m = m = 1 5 Multiply by the reciprocal or multiplicative inverse. m ∙ 1 2 1

14 Solving Multiplication Equations… 3y = 6 3y = 61 3 y = y = 7 ∙ 1 3 2 7 Multiply by the reciprocal or multiplicative inverse. ∙ 1 2 1

15 Practice x – 3838 = 7878 3838 + 3838 = 7878 + 3838 x = 10 8 =1 1414 4949 + r = 2 4949 + r – 4949 = 2 – 4949 r = -9 18 – 8 18 r = – 17 18

16 Practice 3838 x =. 8383 1414.8383 2 1 =x 2323 3838 = 1414 x = 8989 x =. 1414 8989. 1414 1 2 x = 2929 4x = 4

17 Homework Homework Text page 132, #8-38 evens Text page 132, #8-38 evens NJASK7 Prep NJASK7 Prep

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