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COP3502: Introduction to Computer Science Yashas Shankar.

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Presentation on theme: "COP3502: Introduction to Computer Science Yashas Shankar."— Presentation transcript:

1 COP3502: Introduction to Computer Science Yashas Shankar

2 Welcome to COP3502: Introduction to Computer Science  Instructor: Yashas Shankar  Email:  All e-mails must be from your CS account  All e-mails must start with “COP3502:” in the subject line  All e-mails must contain your full name  Office: TBA  Office hours: Tuesday,Thursday 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

3 Acknowledgement  Parts of slides presentations used in this course are copied from slides presentations from previous instructors of this course  Mr. Daniel Chang  Dr. Sara Stoecklin

4 Syllabus & Class schedule  See handouts  Read syllabus & schedule carefully

5 Basic knowledge about computers  To utilize computers you need both hardware and software Hardware Operating system Software Hardware Desktop, laptop. Operating systems Windows XP, Vista, Unix, Linux, MaxOS Software Office, Photoshop

6 Hardware Central processing unit (CPU)  calculate, compute, etc. Random access memory (RAM)  store temporary data I/O device  input/output device

7 Software  Software  application that runs on a computer  Games  MS-word, excel, PowerPoint  Windows media player

8 Operating systems  Operating system  what makes applications run on a machine  Windows  Unix  Linux  MaxOS

9 Your first software for this course  SSH (Secure shell)  You will need this software to do your class material + homework  CS computer lab and ACNS computer lab have SSH  You can download SSH and install into your computer by visiting “”  Click on “New user info”  Click on “SSH how to”  Read instructions and download the file  Install SSH  You will need SSH to create your CS account and you must have your CS account before Wednesday next week

10 How to use SSH  Click connect (should be the 4 th icon on the top)  Hostname   everyone should already have this account   have this CS account by next Wednesday   Use same account as  Use this server to do your programming homework  Click ‘connect’  Enter password  Now you are in the remote host ( server, etc.)

11 How to use SSH (cont.)  Host   your webpage   some of your homework   your programming homework  Operating system  UNIX  You need to learn how to use UNIX  Unix example  ls – list files in the directory  cd – change directory  rm – delete files  mkdir – make directory

12 Your first homework  Install SSH into your computer  You can use SSH in computer lab, but I would recommend to install it on your computer since you will be doing a lot of homework this semester (don’t forget that homework count toward 50% of your grade)  Try SSH to  We will start covering UNIX on Wednesday

13 Your first real homework  Get a CS account  You can start doing it this Friday (after the end of drop/add period, when the system group have the final roaster of CS students)  Send e-mail to me ( with your CS account by 11:59pm next  This is all or nothing homework: you either get full score or zero  You may have around 20 homework's, so this will be approximately 2.5% of your final grade. Start working on it this Friday.  E-mail subject  COP3502: Assignment#1 submission  E-mail body  your full name

14 How to send e-mails  Obtain your CS account first  SSH to  Type ‘pine’  Pine is an e-mailing program that you will be using throughout this course

15 How to use Pine  Send e-mails (compose)  At main menu type “c”  To  put e-mail address that you want to send to, e.g.  Cc  when you want to put more than one address  I would recommend that you also send e-mail to yourself (put in the Cc field  Subject  subject of your e-mail  Always start with “COP3502:” e.g. “COP3502: questions regarding asg#1” or “COP3502: Assignment#3 submission”  CTRL-x  send

16 How to use Pine  Read e-mails  At main menu type “i” or select ‘folder list’ then ‘inbox’  Select message to read, type “i” again to go back to inbox  Go to main menu  Type ‘m’  Quit  Type ‘q’  Attachment  In a compose message window, move your cursor to attachment,  CTRL-j  attachment  CTRL-t  to file (select files)

17 Before we leave today  What do I expect from you  Punctuality  Work hard  Honor  What else do I expect from you  Buy both textbooks  Write down lecture notes  Absolutely no cell phone use or ring in class  Always bring your textbook

18 Before we leave today  What can you expect in this course  You will have a lot of programming homework in the first half of the semester  Homework in the second half will be more ‘paper and pencil’  There will be approximately 10 quizzes, many of them will not be announced in advance and many of them will be related to your homework  Many quizzes and (parts of)exams will be open-book  Again, always bring your text book  You cannot share textbook during a quiz/exam  You will have to print and hand-in many of your homeworks. Majors labs provide free prints for students that enroll in CS classes

19 Before we leave today  Late assignments are not accepted (you will get zero). There will also not be any make-up quizzes.  Extra credits  There are four extra credits. Two will replace two of your lowest homework scores. Another two will replace two of your lowest quiz scores.  One extra credit  write a 5 page summary of one chapter in Ethics for the information age textbook  Four extra credits  four chapters with 5 pages each  There will be no other extra credits  If you have less computer background than other students, you will have to work harder

20 Before we leave today  Try to be familiar with SSH before next class  We will cover basic UNIX commands in next class. If you have no idea what UNIX is, you should search it up from the internet before next class

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