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Date: April 22, 2013 Topic: Cold War – 1970’s and 1980’s. Aim: How did the Cold War change in the later half of the 20 th century? Do Now: Multiple Choice.

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Presentation on theme: "Date: April 22, 2013 Topic: Cold War – 1970’s and 1980’s. Aim: How did the Cold War change in the later half of the 20 th century? Do Now: Multiple Choice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Date: April 22, 2013 Topic: Cold War – 1970’s and 1980’s. Aim: How did the Cold War change in the later half of the 20 th century? Do Now: Multiple Choice Questions. TAKE OUT THE HANDOUT FROM FRIDAY ALSO.



4  Again, Take out the handout from Friday.

5 Central America - Nicaragua  Late 1970’s: A revolutionary group called the Sandinistas overthrew the ruling family in Nicaragua.  Sandinistas instituted socialist policies.  Throughout the 1980’s a civil war was fought.  Fearing the spread of communism the United States supported rebels fighting the Sandinistas.  By the end of the decade, both sides agreed to stop fighting and hold elections.

6 Easing of Cold War tensions  By the 1970’s, the Cold War had been going on for more than 25 years.  Large amounts of money were spent on weapons and both sides realized the tension could end in mutual destruction.  Under their leaders, Richard Nixon and Leonid Brezhnev, the United States and Soviet Union promoted a period of DÉTENTE, or lessening of tension.  Détente included: a.) arms control talks and treaties b.) cultural exchanges c.) trade agreements. NIXON AND BREZHNEV SHAKE AFTER SIGNING SALT TREATY ON MAY 26, 1972 THE COLD WAR “ICE” IS MELTING.

7 Why did the Soviet Union invade Afghanistan?  The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in order to keep a pro-communist government there. Why is this a Cold War event?

8 Perestroika  Perestroika is considered an economic reform program because its goals were to stimulate economic growth, make industry more efficient, and initiate free market reforms. GORBACHEV AND REAGAN

9 Glasnost  Glasnost was a political reform program because it called for an end to censorship and it encouraged people to openly discuss the problems of the Soviet Union.  Previously the Soviet Union was strictly communist in the sense that the government controlled the economy and people were punished for openly criticizing the government. The reforms of Perestroika and Glasnost changed that.

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