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The Electromagnetic Spectrum

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1 The Electromagnetic Spectrum

2 What is Light? Light is a form of radiant energy that you can see.
The visible spectrum is only a small part of the range of radiant energies. The entire range of radiant energies is called the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

3 Electromagnetic Spectrum:

4 Energy can be transmitted as a wave. Light travels as a wave.

5 Colours and Wavelengths
We see different colours when the waves have different wavelengths. We measure wavelength in nanometers (nm) and the measurement is represented by the symbol lambda, λ.

6 The Wave One wavelength is the distance from crest to crest or from tough to trough.

7 Definitions… Amplitude: The crest height (or depth of the trough) from the equilibrium position.

8 How do Waves Travel? Waves transfer energy.
The parts of the Electromagnetic spectrum have common properties, such as their high speed and ability to travel through a vacuum. Different properties are related to wavelength, frequency and energy.

9 Colours and their Wavelengths
Red – 700 nm Orange – 600 nm Yellow – 580 nm Green – 510 nm Blue – 475 nm Violet – 400 nm

10 Frequency Frequency: The number of cycles completed in a period of time. The unit of measurement is Hertz (Hz), which represents cycles/second. High frequency waves are shorter in wavelength and carry more energy.

11 Create your Own Electromagnetic Spectrum
Using long blank white paper create a drawing of the electromagnetic spectrum. Include the types of waves (radiowaves, microwaves, etc), their range in wavelengths, the wavelengths, and a wave indicating frequency.




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