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Introducing Super Foods. What makes them Superfoods?

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing Super Foods. What makes them Superfoods?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing Super Foods

2 What makes them Superfoods?

3 “Filling up” on Superfoods can help prevent and reverse: Aging Cardiovasular Disease Type II Diabetes High Blood Pressure Certain Cancers Dementia

4 Terms Antioxidant –Dietary substances that can prevent damage to your body cells or repair damage that has been done Omega 3 Fatty Acids –Fat found in fish and plant oils that your body needs, but cannot make.

5 Broccoli Fights Cancer

6 Beans Low-fat protein Fiber B Vitamins Iron Phytonutrients Complex Carbohydrates

7 Blueberries High in antioxidants

8 Oats Can lower cholesterol.

9 ORANGES Vitamin C!

10 Pumpkin high in fiber and low in calories

11 WILD SALMON Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids

12 Soy Inexpensive source of protein Lots of fiber Plant source of omega-3 fatty acids

13 Spinach Reduces Cardiovascular disease including stroke and coronary artery disease Reduces Cancer including colon, lung, skin, oral, stomach, ovarian, prostate and breast cancer

14 TEA Loaded with antioxidants No calories Relaxation Tastes good Lowers blood pressure Reduces Cancer

15 Tomatoes helps prevent cancer raises the SPF factor of your skin helps prevent blindness

16 Turkey One of the leanest protein sources Inexpensive Lower in saturated fat than chicken

17 –may reduce your chance of having a heart attack WALNUTS

18 Yogurt balance of microorganisms in the body digestible form of milk products provides calcium

19 Avocados Nutritionally dense Improves body’s ability to absorb nutrients

20 Cinnamon Cinnamon functions as a “brain boost” Encourages cognitive ability Is a glucose moderator and is antibacterial

21 Dark Chocolate Contribute to lowering blood pressure, increasing blood flow, and ultimately contributing to a healthy heart

22 Extra Virgin Olive Oil Reduces the risk for breast/ colon cancer Lowers blood pressure Improves cardiovascular health Good source of vitamin E

23 Garlic anti-inflammatory antiviral properties Has been used to treat stroke, cancer, immune disorders, arthritis, and cerebral aging

24 Honey Treatment for respiratory diseases, skin ulcers, wounds, urinary diseases, and dandruff Darker the honey, higher levels of antioxidants

25 Kiwi Helps prevent: –Asthma –Osteoarthritis –colon cancer Reduces the risk of: –stroke –cancer –heart disease

26 Onions Reduce risk of heart disease by 20% Lowers risk of cancers of the lungs, brain, stomach and esophagus

27 Pomegranates 2 to 3 times the antioxidant power of equal amounts of green tea or red wine

28 Apples Have been proven to be potent weapons against cancer, heart disease, asthma, and type II diabetes compared with other fruits and vegetables

29 Turmeric Proven to help in the treatment of: cancer Alzheimer's liver cleansing arthritis

30 ACAI Berry More antioxidant content than: cranberry raspberry blackberry strawberry blueberry

31 Quinoa Most complete protein in a grain. Reduces risk : Heart disease Type 2 diabetes Cataracts Gallstones

32 Superfood Project Set a goal of how many Superfoods you will eat per day. Keep track of Superfoods for 3 days (chart in classroom) Try at least one new Superfood outside of class and add your comment about it on my website.

33 Resources Used SuperFoods RX Steven Pratt, M.D., and Kathy Matthews SuperFoods HealthStyle Steven G. Pratt, M.D., & Kathy Matthews

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