UNCLASSIFIED B UILDING S TRONG 1 NMSZ ROC Exercise-2015 NAD MISSION – MAIN EFFORT:  Deploy requested response personnel ISO LRD (per OPLAN 2014 to assists.

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1 UNCLASSIFIED B UILDING S TRONG 1 NMSZ ROC Exercise-2015 NAD MISSION – MAIN EFFORT:  Deploy requested response personnel ISO LRD (per OPLAN 2014 to assists LRD in restoring USACE Civil Works and Navigation along navigable waterways in IN, KY, and TN, and along the Ohio River):  LNO Support  PRTs  On Order: Conduct initial reconnaissance to support DHS/FEMA & USCG to scope Infrastructure damages in impacted area  Provide reconstruction mgt support to DA/DoD Facilities SPECIFIED, IMPLIED AND ESSENTIAL TASKS:  Conduct immediate NAD personnel accountability and perform COOP or Devolution as necessary.  Augment LRD Assets to:  Augment Functional Area Support @ HQLRD  Execute RSO&I of responders (w/ ULA support)  Coordinate w/ USCG & DoD  Navigation & Road Clearance  Provide ESF-3 Personnel  Provide technical and contracting support  Conduct recon of critical infrastructure  Restore Civil Work Projects  Initiate Infrastructure Systems Recovery Support Function (IS-RSF) coordination MOVEMENTS:  Deploy to HQ-LRD to support initial reconnaissance efforts in the affected areas:  SES/GS15 (1 PAX) ISO HQ-USACE’s Strategic Infrastructure Recovery Cell (SIRC), reporting to the D/CO, as directed by HQ-USACE.  ESF3 Support to LRD  NAB (Debris) & NAN (Housing)  LRN (TN)  Civil Works Support to OH River (LRD)  NAB  LRN (TN)* NAP  LRL(KY) * NAN  LRC (IN) COMMAND, CONTROL, COMMUNICATION (C3):  Deployed USACE Assets OPCON to LRD Commander (Civil Works & Others)  PRTs OPCON Executing District Commander through NRF/ESF Org structure.  ESF3 Mission Assignments coordinated via FEMA Regions IV & V (for IN, KY & TN)  Report all personnel movements/deployments utilizing existing processes and systems (ENGLink) and modify as the situation warrants.

2 UNCLASSIFIED B UILDING S TRONG 2 CONSTRAINTS:  Communications: Expect disruption to routine processes based on extent of damage: Cell Towers Disrupted or lacking in power.  Energy: Expect wide spread loss of power and fuel shortage (for generators, vehicles and home heating – especially in winter months). Utility pipeline network in Northeast will be disrupted.  Transportation: Anticipate significant migration of population and extensive damage to key waterway crossings/bridges. Major disruptions in urban traffic patterns as well as airport and railway systems.  RSOI: Housing, fuel and rental vehicles will be in limited supply. Mass feeding might be necessary.  Technical: Limited number of SMEs and PRTs (could be deployed elsewhere). Unfamiliarity of NAD personnel with Infrastructure and Navigation in LRD. GAPS/CONCERN/RECOMMENDATIONS:  There are many flood control works in LRD, including levees, reservoirs, pumping plants and pipelines. Disruption will create long-term effects for the entire country impacting Commerce, Utility Lines, Communications Networks, Nuclear Reactors, Navigation, Water and Wastewater Systems, etc). USACE may not have enough PRTs to support these efforts.  Exercises like this help develop networking between interagency partners and help improve mission understanding among stakeholders at all levels of response. NMSZ ROC Exercise-2015 NAD

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