Echinoderms Sam & Jen. Examples of Subgroups Crinoidea –Sea Lillies Asteroidea –Sea Stars Ophiuroidea –Brittle stars Echinodea –Sea Urchins & Sand Dollars.

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Presentation on theme: "Echinoderms Sam & Jen. Examples of Subgroups Crinoidea –Sea Lillies Asteroidea –Sea Stars Ophiuroidea –Brittle stars Echinodea –Sea Urchins & Sand Dollars."— Presentation transcript:

1 Echinoderms Sam & Jen

2 Examples of Subgroups Crinoidea –Sea Lillies Asteroidea –Sea Stars Ophiuroidea –Brittle stars Echinodea –Sea Urchins & Sand Dollars Holothuoidea –Sea Cucumbers Blastoidea –Blastoids Star Fish Sea Lilly Sea Urchin

3 Body Systems Circulatory –none Excretory –Diffusion through tube feet, anus, or skin gills(no kidneys) Nervous –Nerve ring(circles mouth) & radial nerve(from nerve ring down each are) Reproductive –External Fertilization Sperm and eggs released into water –Asexual (regeneration) Can lose a ray to escape from predators and regrow it Tube Feet

4 Characteristics Multicellular w/o cell walls Heterotroph –Mouths located on oral(underside) of body Pentaradial Symmetry –5 rays(arms) branching from central body Deuterostome –Anus develops then mouth

5 More characteristics Pedicellariae –Tiny, jaw-like pinchers on skin Protection & self cleaning Dermal Endoskeleton –Hard, spiny or bumpy –Made of calcium carbonate plates Called ossicles

6 Water Vascular System Hydraulic system that operates under water pressure –Allows for movement, gas exchange, capture of food, excretion –Parts: Tube feet & Ampullae –Water enters through madreporite Acts as filter

7 Water Vascular System

8 Body Cavity True Coelom(body cavity) –Fluid inside bathes organs –Distributes nutrients & oxygen Sea Cucumber Brittle Stars

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