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2 Chapter Outline  Media Literacy  Basic Terms  History  Industry  Controversies Video MEDIA IN A CHANGING WORLD

3  Media Literacy:  Ability to understand & make productive use of the media in one’s life. ▪ Understanding the effect media can have on you & the society around you. ▪ The difference between being victimized & being in control of media’s influence.  Time to Think ▪ How can media victimize some one who is not media literate?

4  Career Preparation ▪ Learn how to use media. ▪ Study careers in the media ▪ Research behind-the-scenes employment ▪ Film production, book editing, ▪ Advertising, web site creation, etc  Non-media careers may have a media component.  Media Literacy

5  Communication  Communication has many meanings, ▪ Used mainly to refer to interaction between animals & machines as well as people.  Messages might be ▪ Entertainment, information, or persuasion ▪ They might be verbal or visual, intentional or unintentional.

6  Communication  Interpersonal communication ▪ Includes the study of intrapersonal communication  Feedback:  Noise: ▪ What are examples of each of these

7  Mediated Communication ▪ Messages sent through a medium rather than face-to-face.  Print media  Broadcast media

8 Basic Terms  Mediated Communication  Digital media  Entertainment media

9  Mass Communication ▪ Mediated messages transmitted to large, usually widespread audiences. ▪ Potential for far greater impact than interpersonal communication. ▪ Which form of mass media do you think can reach the most people the fastest? How/Why?

10  Gatekeepers ▪ Determine what messages will be delivered, ▪ How they will be constructed ▪ When they will be delivered  Sponsors, editors, producers, reporters, and media executives are gatekeepers ▪ Give me a specific example of a gatekeeper

11  Converging Communication Media  Convergence ▪ Convergence technologies ▪ Convergence of industries ▪ Mergers that allow companies to combine their media technologies  Such as a cable TV company acquiring Internet and telephone divisions. ▪ Media mergers that was HUGE?

12  Converging Communication Media How many different things can you do with this device?

13  Technology and Change: The Telegraph  New media technology has changed society at many points in history.  Telegraph ▪ Introduced in 1844 by Samuel Morse ▪ Why was this significant, What did it do?

14  Where is the sign up sheet for current events?  I need that back now  If you haven’t signed it you can do so after class

15  American Media Products Dominate the Global Scene  Freedom of expression in the U.S.  American notion of freedom is embraced internationally.  Many critics consider U.S. media freedom a mixed blessing ▪ Freedom of speech ▪ vs ▪ Ex. Children are exposed to violence and pornography

16  Cultural imperialism. ▪ Western culture & influences imposed on local culture ▪ Impact on dress, behavior, tradition, beliefs, etc  U.S. ideas and customs ▪ Often disliked by other countries & seen as propaganda weapon.

17  Foreign Media in the U.S.  Foreign companies have own a lot of U.S. media.  French, Italian and Chinese films, ▪ Often of exceptional quality and inspire American directors.  British ▪ Pop groups & television have been influential in the U.S.  What are some well known foreign owned media

18  Cross merchandizing or cross promotion ▪ Another form of synergy.  Movie studios buy publishing houses ▪ To sell their stories in both movie and print form.  Name as many products as you can for these brands

19  Media companies/industries often go together ▪ Television networks ▪ Purchase programming from movie studios. ▪ Radio stations ▪ Dependent upon recorded music.

20  Global competition favors larger companies  Most movies, books, records, etc l ose money.  Most new magazines fail within a year or two.  New products have to be developed constantly.  When a product make money ▪ Corporations exploit it in as many markets as possible.

21  Media and governments around the world  Media is owned & operated by some governments  Many countries ▪ Have a government owned or controlled media system.  The U.S. has a mixed model ▪ Where most media is privately owned ▪ But regulated by the government.  What are pros/cons of ▪ Govt. owned vs Private owned?

22  Media and the audience ▪ Content developers might have a particular message in mind but audience decides what the final meaning is.  All media products survive by audience preference ▪ Do you believe this? Why/Why Not  Audience acceptance establishes new technology.  Audiences wield power as consumer groups. ▪ How do they wield power?

23  Impact issues ▪ How the media affect society & individuals within society.  Legal issues ▪ Media practices that are governed by law ▪ Such as libel, invasion of privacy, and antitrust actions  Ethical issues ▪ Ideas of whether certain media practices ▪ Are right or wrong from a moral point of view.

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