Professor Kristy K. Taylor.  Job Functions:  Roles and qualities of an Office Manager  Motivate and Mentoring Team Members  Certification  The Office.

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Presentation on theme: "Professor Kristy K. Taylor.  Job Functions:  Roles and qualities of an Office Manager  Motivate and Mentoring Team Members  Certification  The Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professor Kristy K. Taylor

2  Job Functions:  Roles and qualities of an Office Manager  Motivate and Mentoring Team Members  Certification  The Office Visit  Service and Quality  Patient Satisfaction  Patient Survey  Test Review

3  Explain some of the responsibilities of the Health Information Manager? What are the qualities of a good Health Information Manager?

4  Managing the office and personnel  Providing front desk customer service  Completing back office tasks such as:  Medical Coding  Medical Collections  Appointment Scheduling  Medical Records Maintenance

5  Need to be well trained in all areas of medical office administration  Someone who is flexible and able to work in a fast paced environment  Strong interpersonal skills to include verbal and written communication  Able to make good decisions and has strong attention to detail  Must be organized  Able to effectively lead and motivate others

6  What are some qualities of a good leader?  Is there a difference between leading and managing others?  What are some things that leaders can do to help motivate their team?  What works well to motivate you? Please take a moment to share and reflect on your experiences, both good and bad.

7  Lead by example  Communicate expectations clearly  Show respect  Delegate effectively  Encourage the sharing of ideas  Provide recognition and praise  Focus on team building  Provide support to staff through manpower, training, and accessible assistance  Involve staff in the decision making process  Get to know your staff

8  After a patient has called in to schedule his or her appointment, the reception area is usually the first place a patient will visit in order to sign in.  It is important that this area is well organized, because this is where all of the new patient’s paperwork will be signed and returned to.  Be sure that when the paperwork is processed that a verification of benefits is performed as well as information about the patient’s co-pay is received.

9  Does a verification of insurance benefits, mean a guarantee of payment from the insurance company?  Before calling insurance make sure you have:  Patient’s full name & Date of birth  Insured’s Name & Date of Birth  ID# and Group number  Name of Insurance Company & Phone number  Patient’s primary care doctor’s name & Phone number  Understanding of patient’s condition and need for therapy. If you know the diagnosis code/description that is very helpful when calling to get best understanding

10  Once a patient’s paperwork has been processed, it is important to have the hard copy of their record pulled or created for the doctor to review (if applicable).  What is the purpose of the medical record? How does it help provide continuity in the patient flow process?

11  Once the record has been pulled, the patient will be called to the back of the office to have their vital signs taken by the CNA or CMA before being shown to the patient care room.  The reason for the patient’s visit will be reviewed by the technician on duty before the doctor examines the patient.  It is important that the patient experiences a smooth transition from person to person throughout the visit. What can we do to ensure that this is done in an effective manner?

12  Once the doctor or clinician has seen the patient, the patient will be free to leave the exam room.  As the patient checks out and pays for any deductibles that have been verified, it is important to find out additional information from the patient about his or her experience. How can we assess the quality of services that were provided to the patient?

13  Quality of service can be measured based on a patient’s verbal and written feedback.  You can ask the patient about their visit and document any complaints and/or you can provide the patient with a survey to complete?  What types of questions are usually asked on a survey? Look at the sample in your book on page 7.  How can surveys be used as teachable moments for your staff as well as to help make improvements?

14  Quality customer service does not stop after the patient leaves the visit.  A CMS 1500 form will be coded for the patient’s visit and sent to the insurance company for reimbursement.  Once the facility has received a complete explanation of benefits and break down of payment, the practice manager will apply the payments, write off amounts, and adjust the patient’s account.

15  The practice manager will also initiate the billing process and collections efforts will be made to the patient for any charges not covered by the insurance company. Finally, any refunds due to the patient or insurance company will be mailed out.

16  Job Functions:  Roles and qualities of an Office Manager  Motivate and Mentoring Team Members  Certification  The Office Visit  Service and Quality  Patient Satisfaction  Patient Survey  Test Review

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