Ipod Project Welcome Back Session September 27, 2010 3:30- 4:30 PM (SEA # NA–Credit) Lenoir County Public Schools Preparing all students to be competitive.

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Presentation on theme: "Ipod Project Welcome Back Session September 27, 2010 3:30- 4:30 PM (SEA # NA–Credit) Lenoir County Public Schools Preparing all students to be competitive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ipod Project Welcome Back Session September 27, 2010 3:30- 4:30 PM (SEA # NA–Credit) Lenoir County Public Schools Preparing all students to be competitive and productive citizens in a global economy.

2 Overview The purpose of this session is to provide Ipod Grant participants with a review of the goals and expectations for teachers and students involved in the project. In addition, participants will review the relevant standards that will guide their work throughout the year. Finally, teachers will be given an outline of events and activities planned for the 2010 – 2011 school year.

3 Outcomes To review the goals and expectations for teachers and students involved in the Ipod Project To review the relevant standards which will guide our work To provide an outline of events and activities for the 2010 – 2011 school year

4 Welcome and Introductions Ipod Grant Winners – Team Names School Project name The Best Thing! Other

5 Origin and Overview of Ipod Grant Project Origin and History 8 Carts with 30 Ipods each (laptop) Project Managers The Grant Development Process Application The Sub-Committee Selection of Grant Winners

6 Ipod Project Instructional Focus Goal: To positively impact student achievement through increased student engagement and motivation 1. Achievement 2. Student Engagement 3. Motivation to learn

7 Connections to the Standards 21 st Century Framework (Rainbow) The ISTE National Educational Technology Standards ( NETS – T) North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards Future-Ready Students for the 21st Century New Evaluation Instrument for Teachers (Rubric)

8 Timeline and Activities 2009 - 2010  Apple Ipod Training – February 22, 23, 2010 (8:30 – 3:30)  Recognition (School Board Meeting) March 10, 2010 (7:00 PM)  Journals – Spiral notebooks (2009 – 2010)  Blog – online (show it online)  Workshops and PLCs Introduction to Habits of Mind Trainings conducted by Ipod Teachers  Classroom Visits/ Observations and Coaching

9 Timeline and Activities 2010 - 2011  Ipod Welcome Back Session  Apple Ipod Training – (2 days in October or November 2010 - 8:30 – 3:30)  Coaching Sessions October/ November January/ February End of Year  Journals – Spiral notebooks  Blog – online (show it online)  Workshops and PLCs Review Habits of Mind - begin to infuse & Use Introduction to Cognitive Coaching Trainings conducted by Ipod Teachers  Classroom Visits/ Observations and Coaching  Showcase (May/ June)

10 Teacher Data Collect Data Throughout the Project  October  January  May Action Research  Teacher learning (professional readings, workshops, conferences)  Teacher perceptions (feelings, thoughts, impressions, dispositions)  Teacher skills  Professional Practices  Reflection  Data collection  Coaching conversations & Collaboration  Planning  Sharing / Leadership Strategies for Collection  SMART Responders  Survey Monkey  Interviews  Journals  Observations

11 Students Collect Data Throughout the Project  October  January  May Action Research  Student learning  Student perceptions (feelings, thoughts, impressions, dispositions)  Student skills  Student Practices  Reflection  Data collection  Collaboration  Use of Critical Thinking Skills  Sharing / Leadership Strategies for Collection  SMART Responders  Survey Monkey  Interviews  Journals  Observations

12 Coaching Sessions Review your Project Goals, objectives, outcomes Schedule/ timeline Evaluation of project Coaching Protocol What’s working Current focus Next steps (Set goals) Support needed Identify data sources Identify documentation strategies 1 hour

13 Showcase! May or June Invite guests  Principals  IET  Senior Staff  LCC  STEM Committee Member  School Board  ECU  DPI  Spirit Student Participation! Parent Participation Community / Business Participation

14 Observations Put your name on the list for Observations 30 – minute Coaching conference to follow

15 Closing Questions Reminders Thank you!

16 S.M.A.R.T Goals 1. Specific and Strategic 2. Measurable 3. Attainable or achievable 4. Realistic 5. Time-bound http://www.career-intelligence.com/management/SmartGoals.asp http://quality.cr.k12.ia.us/templates/SMART_index.html#smart

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