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California Sea Otter Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia.

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Presentation on theme: "California Sea Otter Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia."— Presentation transcript:

1 California Sea Otter Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia

2 General Characteristics ● Can close nostrils and small ears underwater ● Long whiskers to detect vibrations in murky water ● Retractable claws o Used to help groom, locate and capture prey underwater, and use tools

3 General Characteristics ● Dense fur due to lack of blubber layer for warmth ● Hind feet are webbed and flipper-like o Help propel through the water along with lower body ● Long, flattened tail used as a rudder o Also aids in propulsion ● Particularly highly sensitive to high- frequency sounds

4 General Characteristics ● Unique teeth for a mammal o Blunt, used for crushing rather than sharp for tearing

5 Reproduction ● Polygynous- males have multiple female partners ● Female otters can give birth at any time during the year ● Takes 4 months for fetus to fully develop o Delayed implantation (2 months) almost always occurs


7 Prey ● Must consume 25% of body weight each day in prey to survive! ● A 75 pound sea otter can eat up to 1,500 sea urchins a day o Or about 25 pounds of seafood

8 Prey ● Sea urchins, Abalone, Crabs, Mussels, Clams, Marine snails, Marine worms, Sea stars, and Squid ● Eat at least 50 species of benthic invertebrate

9 Predators ● Great white sharks are the main predators of California Sea Otters o Humans and Killer Whales are also predators

10 Videos

11 Interesting Facts ● Sea Otters hold hands in the water ● Newborn pups cannot sink or dive ● Sea Otters have built in pockets under their arms ● A group resting together is called a raft ● One of the few animals that use ‘tools’ to eat their food and open shells


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