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Political Opinion and Ideology Can efficacy exist for all?

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1 Political Opinion and Ideology Can efficacy exist for all?

2 Meet John Q. Public John is against abortion, and against the death penalty. John is of strong faith, but believes in separation of church and state. John believes in the right to bear arms, but feels that it should be limited. –The question is…what is John’s opinion? How does John vote? What is John’s ideology?

3 Ideology: coherent and consistent set of political beliefs about who ought to rule, the principles rulers ought to obey, and what policies rulers ought to pursue

4 The two sides Conservatives say: On economic matters, government shouldn’t ensure that everyone has a job. Supply siders to the max! On civil rights, does not favor strong federal action to desegregate schools or affirmative action On political conduct, does not favor tolerance toward protest demonstrations, legalizing marijuana, or protecting the rights of the accused. Liberals say: On economic matters, government should ensure that everyone has a job. Demand siders unite! On civil rights, favors strong federal action to desegregate schools or affirmative action On political conduct, favors tolerance toward protest demonstrations, legalizing marijuana, and protecting the rights of the accused.

5 Not every person is a liberal or a conservative… …but holy cow are they polarizing!

6 Who gets ignored? Libertarians adhere to a political ideology that is conservative on economic matters and liberal on social ones. The ideology's goal is the creation of a small, weak government. Moderates usually seek conciliation between the views of various political parties, and often take positions partially derived from opposite views.

7 What does the government listen to? Public opinion is what the people want the government to do. –Polls, however, can be biased –People are often confused over issues Public policy is how the government turns opinion into action. – Usually public policy is watered down to either side of an issue.

8 So who sets our agendas? Elites on both sides raise and frame political issues Elites create societal norms by which to settle issues, defining policy options (See: War on Christmas, Mass Consumerism, War on Civil Liberties) Elite views shape mass views (leadership has its advantages) Many elites exist, hence many elite opinions However, elites do not define problems

9 Cleavages Cleavages in opinion in the United States are numerous and crosscutting. No single feature of an individual's life (such as social class) explains all (or even most) of that individual's attitudes. Among the important cleavages are: Social class / Occupation: A new class, has arisen over the past generation. This class has strained the Democratic party; it is younger, urban, and more liberal on economic and social issues than the traditional middle class, which is conservative and blue-collar. More important in 1950's on social welfare and foreign policy Less important in 1960's on poverty programs, health insurance, Vietnam, government created jobs

10 Why the change? More schooling means upper-class exposed to liberalism. Non-economic issues now define liberal and conservative, like abortion, prayer, gay rights. Race and ethnicity: Blacks are generally far more liberal than whites, on issues ranging from busing and housing discrimination to the death penalty, national defense, and healthcare…but not gays. Hispanic and Asian Americans are less liberal. Region: Southerners are more conservative than northerners regarding military and civil rights issues. Southerners trust businesses.

11 So…how will I vote?

12 How will I vote? I’m a black guy with a high school diploma

13 How will I vote? I’m an MBA

14 How will I vote? I am a college professor

15 How will I vote? I am a woman worried about terrorism

16 How will I vote? I’m a woman worried about my husband’s union job

17 How will I vote? I’m a white male with a G.E.D.

18 How will I vote? My parents are republicans

19 So what does this all mean?

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