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Animal Report by Will Hermanowski. Introduction Did you know a sea otter has more than about 600,000 to 1 million hairs on their body per square inch.

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1 Animal Report by Will Hermanowski

2 Introduction Did you know a sea otter has more than about 600,000 to 1 million hairs on their body per square inch. A human has 100,000 hairs on their whole head. I know these are good facts but read more to find other stuff keep reading.

3 Body Parts Did you know a sea otters back feet are flattened and flipper like to help swimming. The ears are extremely like sea lions. The teeth are like humans and they have canine teeth for ripping there food. The sea otters nose has a keen sense of smell to find it’s pray. A sea otter can have up to one million per square inch hair. This is because the hair is what keeps the sea otter warm. Read some more about the sea otters body parts to find more cool facts.

4 Life Cycle Did you know a sea otter is a incomplete metamorphosis. That means they are born and just get bigger. Male sea otters live up to 10 to 15 years female sea otters live up to 15 to 20 years. Sea otters can give birth to twins usually only one twin survives. Birth occurs year round I didn’t know that. Births are usually under water

5 Food And Nutrition Did you know sea otters use their eye sight to catch their pray. Sea otters mostly eat fish, crab, sea stars, snails and abalone. A sea otter eats 25% of their body weigh. Giant otters usually eat slow moving fish their diet consist large Crayfish they eat 3 times a day. If you want to find out more facts keep reading.

6 Habitat Did you know a sea otter lives in Canada, British Columbia, the Pacifica North Cost and North America. Sea otters mostly get hurt in California by fishing. Aleutian island has 90 percent of sea otters. They live in ocean, rivers and lakes. Read more to find other facts

7 Enemies and Survival Functions Did you know a sea otter is caused death by oil spills, killer whales, sharks, nets and fishing nets. Interesting a sea otter uses its claws to catch its pray to survive. Also the sea otter uses their eyesight to know were to go. Sea otters have 600,000 to one million per square inch hairs to keep warm because sea otters don’t have fat. You want to learn more about sea otters keep reading.

8 Interesting Facts Did you know a sea otter is more active at night. Also sea otters have 600,000 to one million per square inch hairs. Sea otters were hunted for their pelt now sea otters are not hunted as much. A pup learns how to dive at two months old. Bald eagles sometimes eat pups when the mom is hunting. Read more cool facts to learn more.

9 Closing Paragraph Did you know the sea otters ears are extremely like sea lions. Sea otters are an incomplete metamorphoses. Sea otters eat 25% of their body weight a day. They are not found in Australia and Antarctica. Sea otters caused of death by oil spills because the water is dirty so they can’t breath well. Bald eagles sometimes eat sea otter pups when the mother sea otter is looking for food. THE END!

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