European Influences on American Government Objectives: 1) Review your notes pp. 40-5 2) Demonstrate an understanding of Concepts.

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1 European Influences on American Government Objectives: 1) Review your notes pp. 40-5 2) Demonstrate an understanding of Concepts

2 What is Civics?  Define Civics  The study of the rights and duties of citizens  What are some RIGHTS of U.S. citizens?  Voting freedom of speech, trial by jury of peers, etc.  What are some DUTIES of U.S. citizens?  Voting, jury duty, paying taxes, military service, and civic participation

3 Check your notes pp. 40-45. Did you get these key points?  What is the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy (republic)?  Direct: Citizens govern themselves  Representative: Citizens elect leaders to govern  Is the U.S. a direct democracy or a republic?  Republic  Example of direct democracy?  Ancient Athens

4 British Influences  What was the oldest British document creating principles of limited government?  The Magna Carta  Explain “Limited Government”  No ruler or government is all-powerful. Limits are placed on the leaders.  How did the Magna Carta limit government?  * Can’t tax Nobles w/o consent  * = treatment under law (for free men)  * Trial by peers  * Right to rebel if King breaks AGR

5 English Bill of Rights  What rights did William & Mary agree to in English Bill of Rights?  * No prison or property loss w/o due process (fair trial)  * No cruel punishment  * No army in peacetime  * No taxes w/o consent of Parliament  * Right to bear arms  * Right to petition the King  * Freedom of speech in Parliament  What is Parliament?  The lawmaking body of England  What is the lawmaking body called in the U.S.?  Congress

6 Influences of Enlightenment Philosophers  John Locke?  Natural Rights: life, liberty, and property  Right to rebel if govt. violates those rights  Montesquieu?  Separation of Powers  Voltaire?  Freedom of Religion and Trade

7 What did you write for your summary?  American govt. was shaped by earlier governments and philosophers (Examples: democracy, republic, elections, veto, bill of rights, natural rights, right to rebel, separation of powers, freedom of religion, etc.)

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