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Number of Copies Agency Submissions & Comments. Coordination ESRs are reviewed by OES and coordinated with resource agencies as part of the NEPA review.

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Presentation on theme: "Number of Copies Agency Submissions & Comments. Coordination ESRs are reviewed by OES and coordinated with resource agencies as part of the NEPA review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Number of Copies Agency Submissions & Comments

2 Coordination ESRs are reviewed by OES and coordinated with resource agencies as part of the NEPA review and as required by: Clean Water Act Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Endangered Species Act Wild and Scenic River Act Etc.

3 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) coordination: projects with potential impacts to federally listed species, wildlife, stream, and/or wetlands. Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) coordination: projects with potential impacts to State listed species, wildlife, streams, wetlands, State scenic rivers, within the Lake Erie Coastal Management Zone (CZM). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) coordination: projects that require a jurisdictional determination on waters of the U.S., an individual 404 permit, and/or Section 10 in the Rivers and Harbors Act. Agency Coordination:

4 The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) coordination: projects that require a 401 WQC National Park Service (NPS) coordination: projects that impact a Nation Wild or Scenic River, a direct tributary to a Nation Wild or Scenic River, or a stream that is listed on the Nationwide Rivers Inventory (NRI). The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA): coordination: projects that require an Environmental Assessment or an Environmental Impact Statement. Agency Coordination continued:

5 OES Review and Agency Coordination Level One ESRs:  Draft ESRs : One complete PDF copy and the text of the Level 1 form as a Word document submitted to the ODOT District Office.  Final ESRs : One PDF copy submitted to the ODOT District Office (a hard copy may be request by the District Office)  The PDF is then forwarded to OES.  Approved documents are coordinated as PDFs with USFWS and ODNR and other agencies as needed.  Coordination typically takes 30 days.

6 OES Review and Agency Coordination Level Two and LV Threes ESRs:  Draft ESRs:  Consultant submits one complete PDF copy and the text of the Level 1 form as a Word document to the District for coordination with OES  Necessary revisions are routed back through the District then to the Consultant.  Final ESRs:  The final completed PDF is then forwarded to District/OES for coordination with: - USACE- USFWS - OEPA- ODNR - OES Possibly NPS, USEPA, USCG, etc. A hard copy may be requested as needed.  Coordination typically takes 30 days.

7  Agency comments to ESRs must be addressed in:  NEPA Document,  Commitments (plan changes),  And /or correspondence back to the agencies may require additional field studies or coordination  Comments may relate:  Alternative selection  Avoidance, minimization, and/or mitigation of impacts to ecological resources.  Specialized studies or reports required;  BA/BO  Mussel relocation  Responses to agency comments are prepared in coordination with the ODOT District office and OES Conclusions

8 Under no circumstances should a consultant coordinate any ODOT project ecological document with any regulatory or resource agency. IMPORTANT NOTE:


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