10.11 Data Manipulation 1. Getting External Data.

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Presentation on theme: "10.11 Data Manipulation 1. Getting External Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 10.11 Data Manipulation 1. Getting External Data

2 You will need… Specimen 2007 Paper 2 Task C (a PDF) q 39 The file SITES.CSV Access 2007

3 Click Blank Database

4 Name the file and click Create

5 #click the External Data tab

6 Click Text File

7 Browse for SITES.CSV…

8 … and open it

9 Import the data into a new table

10 Delimited is OK

11 Comma is OK. Be sure to tick First Row Contains Field Names

12 For each field, check the Data Type is correct All the data types are correct except for Owned

13 For the Owned field, change Text to Yes/No What the exam calls Boolean / Logical, Microsoft call Yes/No

14 Let Access assign a Primary Key

15 Save the Sites table

16 There is no need to save your import steps

17 Double-click on the table name to see your data

18 End of section 1

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