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Places of Interest in London

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1 Places of Interest in London

2 Идея проекта —        На уроке английского языка мы изучали достопримечательности Лондона. —        Столица Великобритании поразила меня своей историей, огромным числом музеев, королевскими дворцами и парками. —        Появилось желание продолжить знакомство с этим великолепным городом.

3 Каким образом я могу воплотить свою мечту в жизнь?
Проблема Каким образом я могу воплотить свою мечту в жизнь?

4 Цель исследования: узнать больше о Лондоне – столице Великобритании, и «совершить путешествие» по этому городу не выходя из дома.

5 Задачи Собрать и изучить информацию по теме: «Достопримечательности Лондона»; Выполнить перевод с английского языка на русский язык с использованием текстов о Лондоне в учебнике, ресурсов Интернета… ; разработать виртуальную карт у города « Достопримечательности Лондона» выполнить проект, в состав которого войдут: карта «Достопримечательности Лондона», результаты опроса учащихся и учителей.


7 Brief description Population - 8.2 million people (2011)
Located in the southeast of the island of Great Britain, on the low-lying plain of the London Basin, on the banks of the estuary of the River Thames near the North Sea. Main political, economic and cultural center of the UK. Global city, one of the world's leading financial centers.

8 Всё в этом гигантском городе мне интересно...(М. Твен).
Для меня Лондон - самый интересный, самый красивый, самый удивительный город в мире (Г. Уэллс) Такой город, как Лондон, по которому бродишь часами, не видя ему конца... представляет собой нечто совсем особенное(Ф. Энгельс) Лондон смутно высился передо мной, полный чудес, таинственный, как ассирийский Вавилон, и настолько же богатый вещами неслыханными, великими откровениями(А. Макен) Его нельзя ни полностью увидеть, ни выразить. Ты к нему приговорён - он не даёт тебе выйти и взглянуть на целое(Б. Тшуми)

9 Brief history Founded under the name Londinium by the Romans soon after their invasion of Britain in 43 a. d. In the XI-XII centuries it became the capital of England. In the Fire of 1666, the city was heavily damaged. At the beginning of the XVIII century became the capital of the United Kingdom and the largest city in Europe. From 1825 to 1925, was the largest city in the world. Since the XVI to XX century was the capital of the British Empire.

10 Westminster

11 Royal-courts-of-justice
Westminster Westminster - London's historic district, a part of the administrative district of Westminster. In Westminster is Westminster Palace, which meets British Parliament. Royal-courts-of-justice Westminster abbey

12 Famous people buried in Westminster
Geoffrey Chaucer Isaac Newton William Shakespeare

13 Tower of London The Tower of London - one of the main symbols of the United Kingdom, occupies a special place in the history of the English nation. Today the Tower of London - one of the main place of interest of the UK. He has not changed since the days of the past. The symbol of a sinister past the Tower of London is a place where formerly a scaffold of Tower Hill. Currently, the main building of the Tower of London - a museum and armory, which holds treasures the British crown and was officially still considered to be one of the royal residences. In the Tower there are also a number of private apartments, which are home to basically wait staff and distinguished guests.

14 Buckingham Palace

15 Ballroom of Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace was originally known as Buckingham House and was built for the Duke of Buckingham (since 1703). It was purchased by King George III in 1762 as the private residence of the monarch of the future (the official residence of the St James's Palace has ceased to hold him and quantity, and finish). Over the next 75 years, architects John Nash and Edward Blore (author Alupka Palace), based Buckingham House, built three similar buildings. All together form in terms of a square, the center of which - a large courtyard. Despite the extravagance apartments of the palace, which houses many heirlooms, not all who lived in it were happy. In his memoirs, the Duke of Windsor, wrote that the great palace "with its large rooms and endless corridors seemed filled with the smell of mold, which I still feel every time I log into it." Ballroom of Buckingham Palace

16 St Paul's Cathedral

17 St Paul's Cathedral The official date of the opening of the cathedral is October 20, the birthday of architect Rena (the day he turned 76 years old), but the actual service at the church began Dec. 2, 1697. Under the dome of the Cathedral has three galleries: the inner whispering gallery and outdoor stone and gold gallery. Whispering gallery owes its name not provided by architects especially its acoustics: the word even said in a whisper, in one end of the gallery, is repeatedly reflected its walls, resulting in a whisper that could easily hear the person who is at the other end of the gallery.

18 Trafalgar Square In the center - Nelson's Column in dark gray granite 44 m high, topped by a statue of Admiral Nelson. The four sides of the columns are decorated with murals made ​​from melted down and captured by Napoleon's cannons. It was built in a. d., Surrounded by sculptures of lions and fountains. In the corners of the area - four sculptures. Around the square are National Gallery, Church of St. Martin in the Fields (architect J. Gibbs, 1721), Admiralty Arch and several embassies.

19 Fleet Street

20 Regent Street

21 Piccadilly Circus

22 Strand

23 British Museum

24 Scheme of London Underground

25 London Underground

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