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Item #5 Maxwell’s Mission Find Them All! The Tiger Team Camp Pendleton The Team Balboa Naval Hospital Scripps 29 Palms ? Where are they?

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Presentation on theme: "Item #5 Maxwell’s Mission Find Them All! The Tiger Team Camp Pendleton The Team Balboa Naval Hospital Scripps 29 Palms ? Where are they?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Item #5 Maxwell’s Mission Find Them All!

3 The Tiger Team Camp Pendleton The Team Balboa Naval Hospital Scripps 29 Palms ? Where are they?

4 The Tiger Team… Tampa, FL James A. Haley VA San Antonio, Texas Brooke Army medical Center

5 Serious Problem Dr Armando – I talked to you this morning, just for a bit. As you may recall from that, I am running into a lot of problems with my current capabilities. I think that I am just working too much. I think that my brain gets real tired, and this is the result. - My right leg. No pain, it just begins to drag. - Headaches. Not intense, but the left side of my head hurts. New. - Speaking/Words It is worse - Memory – New. I don’t remember having this problem. -Loss of Balance - It used to be very rare/ Now it is common. - Depression – Often, I do not even want to get out of my bed. New problem. - Stress - I do not remember having this.

6 Shrapnel leeching heavy metal toxins in cerebral fluid Not Good

7 2004 2007

8 Meeting my Anesthesiologists ICU Recovery in Bethesda National Rehabilitation Center Home

9 Vision Weakness/Nerve Loss Oct 2008 Neck/Shoulder Hand/Wrists Foot/Ankle

10 Equipment I have received I have never seen this equipment before, but I have seen these injuries. I was in a civilian hospital (National Rehabilitation Center) Coincidence?

11 BionessOttobock What I’ve seen What I received


13 8U20.asp

14 Hand/Wrists Neck/Shoulder




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