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Ancient Rome 1st Yrs.

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1 Ancient Rome 1st Yrs

2 What was the Roman empire?
An empire = 1 country controls other lands Existed between 500 BC and 500 AD Lasted almost 1000 years! Rome = most important city in Europe Controlled most of Europe and some of Africa

3 Sources of our knowledge
Ruins of Roman buildings – Colosseum, Arch of Titus, Pantheon Old statues and frescoes Roman writers, even graffiti Roman artefacts – money, pottery, jewelry

4 Pompeii Good source of information about life in Ancient Rome
79 AD volcano – Mount Vesuvius Everything preserved Archaeologists have studied it

5 Rome – the city Population – 1 million – centre of empire
Appian Way – Road to Rome Tombstones on the way No burials inside city walls – why? Arches around the city – commemorated

6 Rome – city (2) Main street – Via Sacra – The Holy Road
Went through the centre Used for parades after war victories No carriages allowed during the day Pedestrianised Streets lined with houses Rubbish thrown on street Stepping stones Public toilets

7 The forum Most famous place in the city Main market held there
Shops, businesses, social chats The Senate, the government, beside the forum

8 Rome – the city (3) Many famous buildings Circus Maximus – race course
Colosseum – biggest amphitheatre Public baths Aquaducts – water bridges

9 Citizens Two types of citizens: Patricians And plebians
Women and slaves not citizens

10 Citizens 1. Patricians – · Rich Landowners
·        Didn’t do much work – easy life ·        Served as Senators or Generals 2. Plebians – ·        Poor citizens ·        Shopkeepers, bakers, craftsmen, soldiers ·        Hard life ·        Unemployed got grain – called ‘dole’

11 Slaves · Not citizens – non person
·        Treated like cattle – bought and sold ·        1/3 of the population ·        Criminals or prisoners of war ·        Treated harshly ·        Worked in farms of mines ·        Well-educated slaves were teachers or doctors ·        Some were gladiators

12 Slaves (2) · Flogged if tried to escape · Regularly beaten
·        Spartacus – slaves revolt ·        Defeated ·        6000 slaves massacred as warning ·        Some slaves could earn freedom ·        Gladiators or chariot racers ·        Become a freedman Service called ‘manumission’

13 Food - plebians Very basic Mainly porridge
Bread with olives, water or wine Evening meal – cena Vegetable stew or bean stew Garum – fish sauce covered up smell

14 Food – patricians Feasts – reclined on couches 3 courses Vomitorium
Variety of dishes – fish, meats, fruit Delicacies – stuffed dormice, fried snails Ate with fingers

15 Dress - men Tunics – long white t-shirts Tied at waist
Cotton in summer, wool in winter Togas over tunics – long white sheet Wore leather sandals

16 Dress - women Unmarried girls – long belted tunics Married at 12
Wore long dress called stola Shawl – palla – over head Avoided tans!! Jewelry – necklaces and makeup Red hair – extensions popular

17 Houses - plebians High rise flats called insulae Wood – fires common
Small – whole families in 1-2 rooms Didn’t cook there 1st Take-aways! – Thermopolae Higher up – cheaper Water only pumped to bottom floor

18 Houses – patricians Villas on hills outside capital
‘Domus’ in the town Many rooms Sometimes front rooms used as shops

19 Villas Atrium – main hall – columns and statues
Shallow pool – impluvium – in it Walled garden and patio – peristylum Mosaics on floors of rooms Frescoes on walls

20 Women in Roman empire Not citizens Men dominated society
Had to obey men – often beaten Girls valued less than boys Newly born girls sometimes left to die Basic education at Ludus (Primary) Didn’t go to grammaticus (secondary) school Boys did

21 Women in Roman Empire (2)
Girls stayed at home Learned skills of housework – spin, sew Could marry from 12 years Men were older Had a lot of children Average age of plebian – 30 years old

22 Boys Often taught by slaves in school Reading, writing, arithmetic
Learned about Greek and Latin culture Practiced oratory Wrote on boards covered in wax

23 Religion Pagans – believed in many gods
Each one controlled a different thing Mars – god of war Venus – goddess of love Temples built to honour gods The Pantheon Lares – Household gold Shrine in each house Thought these gods looked over them Spilled wine as offering before meal

24 Christianity At first Christians were persecuted
Slaves – Colosseum – fought with lions Christians buried dead in catacombs Emperor Constantine made Christianity official religion

25 Death Believed in life after death Hades – underworld
Coin on eyes for Charon Funerals – noisy – professional wailers Mourners, torch carriers, musicians Speech praising him in Forum Body brought outside wall – stone coffin or cremated

26 How Rome was ruled At first, a republic Citizens had a say
Voted for politicians in the senate Senate ruled the republic Women and slaves had no vote

27 Empire But the republic democracy ended Replaced by an Empire
One person ruled the whole empire Called an Emperor e.g. Emperor Augustus, Emperor Nero

28 Controlling an Empire Huge armies travelled to different province
The empire divided into provinces Built roads everywhere Roman army – very powerful Controlled the empire

29 Army Divided into 30 legions Controlled different parts of the empire
Soldiers in groups of 100 – century – under the command of a centurion Soldiers were Roman citizens Good pay Could also sell captured slaves Got conquered land when retired

30 Roman soldiers 25 years in army Excellent discipline and training
When not fighting… ..building roads and aqueducts Flogged if disobeying Mutiny – legion would be decimated

31 Roman soldier Javelin Short sword Shield – with emblem of the legion
Strong and flexible body armour Metal helmet Marching sandal – metal studs on soles

32 Pastimes - Gladiators In Colosseum – 50,000 people
Slaves fought each other in armour Swords of net and spears and tridents Sometimes fought animals

33 Gladiator contests Fight lasted until one died or wounded
Crowd cheered Emperor decided his fate Thumb up or down Successful gladiators could earn their freedom

34 Pastimes – chariot racing
Circus Maximus – 250,000 people 4 teams – red, green, blues, whites Fanatical fans – like supporters of football teams Betting on races Very dangerous 7 lap race Piece of cloth dropped at start

35 Public baths (1) Hundreds in Rome Popular for rich and powerful
Men and women separate Children free Bathed, exercised, social chats Even a library and relax for reading

36 Baths (2) Different rooms – Tepidarium: Warm room
Caldarium: steamy room with tub of hot water Frigidarium: refreshing, cool pool Slaves massaged with oil and perfume

37 Influence of Ancient Rome
1. Roman Culture Still use roman alphabet and write some letters Latin formed Italian, French, Spanish languages We use Roman calendar – look at months names Copied many of their architecture E.g. GPO – columns and capital

38 Influence – 2. inventions
Still use many Roman ideas The dole Running water pumps Romans invented under-floor heating system – warm air from burning furnace in cellar Forum – 1st shopping mall Insulae – 1st apartment block

39 Influence – 3. Roman Laws Well-developed legal system
Still forms the basis of law in Europe Introduced a common currency… …so same money used from Scotland to Turkey

40 Influence – 4. Roman cities
Many cities were Roman villages London, Paris

41 Revision Qs 1. Mention 7 details about slaves
2. Write 8 details about a child’s daily life in Rome.

42 Mention 7 details about slaves
Criminals or captured in war Not citizens – no rights Flogged and beaten Worked as gladiators In farms or mines Educated slaves – teachers and doctors Spartacus Roman revenge Could be freed by martyr Manumission Wore a cap

43 1. Write 8 details about a child’s daily life in Rome.
Describe house Food Ludus – day off for market Grammer school What you studied What you wrote on Public baths Circus Maximus Role of father in house

44 Recap Patricians Plebians Slaves Villas Tunic Fashions Education etc

45 Homework Write about a young person growing up in an ancient civilization outside of Ireland. Mention Roman past times

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