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Senior Project Final Research Paper Requirements Dr. Moschetta English 12.

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1 Senior Project Final Research Paper Requirements Dr. Moschetta English 12

2 Deadline March 30, 2011 2 weeks from tomorrow No class time to work on the final paper Must devote time on your own! English Lab Open every day 2:30-3:45 I stay Weds & Fri every week I can also stay other days by request

3 Paper Size 12 Times New Roman 1” margins No shorter than 5 full pages Properly cite the source of all research information MLA formatted Works Cited page

4 Works Cited Lists sources cited in the paper Alphabetical order Double spaced; no extra spaces between sources Hanging indent MLA Format Page is numbered – next page after last page of paper

5 Sources 6 sources 3 different kinds of sources 1 must be a firsthand source Sources listed on Works Cited page must be the same sources cited in the paper

6 What to Turn in Senior Project folder Left side  Proposal & Parent Contact  Notes from 6+ sources with Rubric Right side  Outline with Rubric  First draft with Rubric (and any other drafts you did)  Final paper with Rubric If you have missed any steps in the process Turn in all steps with your final paper All steps are REQUIRED in order to graduate

7 Penalties Late: 10% per day Do not participate in Graduation Ceremony if not in on time, meeting minimum requirements Paper is late regardless of absence or excuse Not meeting any one of the minimum requirements: Paper returned to student Late penalties apply – however long it takes to correct and re-submit

8 Submitting Your Final Paper Turn in your work DIRECTLY TO ME Do not leave it on my desk Do not place it in my mailbox Do not leave with another teacher to give to me If you are not in school Prepare your Senior Project folder Have someone you trust put your folder IN MY HANDS Anything left in my mailbox will be late – I check at 6:30 AM and not again until the end of the day

9 The Restoration & The 18 th Century – 1660 to 1800 Dr. Moschetta English 12 Advanced

10 Why the Restoration? Relatively short time period Charles II returned from exile in France to assume the long-vacant English throne Charles brought French taste and culture Charles restored order to the civil wars in England during the Stuart dynasty that ruled after the execution of Charles I

11 Connection to Ancient Romans Many political and literary parallels between Restoration England and Ancient Rome Like Charles II, Emperor Augustus restored Rome to peace and order from the civil wars that followed Julius Caesar’s assassination Writing in England was a return to the classics: Neoclassicism

12 Reason & Enlightenment People were gradually changing their views of themselves and the world Asked WHY things happen and what they mean Focus on science & math; but went away from the previous connection with human affairs Scientists wanted to shorten the long, drawn out writing of Renaissance writers – led to English Prose

13 Changes in Religion Deism – the idea that a creator set the universe in motion and let it run on its own, like clockwork Came from more scientific and rational explanations of phenomena (comets, weather disasters, etc.) Most philosophers and scientists, however, remained religious Christianity in many forms

14 Religion & Politics After Henry VIII established the Church of England, many of the civil wars that followed led to changes in rulers Some Catholic, some Protestant Charles II restored Church of England Led to persecution of Puritans, Quakers Many of them left and traveled to the New World Also led to conflicts with other areas of Britain that were still Catholic – Scotland, Wales, Ireland

15 Restoration Writing Closer to “normal” English – even poetry! Satire – public ridicule Nonfiction – essays, letters Epic poetry (new form from Classical writing) Ode – poem to express public emotion Pastoral poetry – writing about simple country life First novels during this time

16 How does it connect to us? Even if you are not of English descent: Christianity came to America during this time More separation of government and religion – roots of Democracy Language – writing closer to how we speak today (formally, at least) Education – Public school system/higher education

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