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SAT Vocabulary Set 4 English II. Term: altercation Definition: angry dispute, an argument Sample Sentence: The shouting next door told me that they were.

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Presentation on theme: "SAT Vocabulary Set 4 English II. Term: altercation Definition: angry dispute, an argument Sample Sentence: The shouting next door told me that they were."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAT Vocabulary Set 4 English II

2 Term: altercation Definition: angry dispute, an argument Sample Sentence: The shouting next door told me that they were having their nightly altercation. Synonyms: argument, quarrel

3 Term: eccentric Definition: odd; peculiar, not customary Sample Sentence: People think Guy is eccentric because he wears weird clothes and ignores most social customs. Synonyms: quirky, peculiar

4 Term: morose Definition: gloomy, sad, depressed Sample Sentence: Stay away from Alex when she’s in a morose mood; she’s abrupt and rude to everyone. Synonyms: miserable

5 Term: belligerent Definition: hostile and aggressive Sample Sentence:They pepper-sprayed the teen when he became belligerent and did not follow their instructions, Synonyms: unpeaceful

6 Term: detrimental Definition: harmful, damaging Sample Sentence: Eating too many hot fudge sundaes can be detrimental to your diet. Synonyms: negative, unfavorable

7 Term:abhor Definition: to hate, to dislike intensely Sample Sentence: Josie abhorred her irritating and demanding boss. Synonyms: hate, detest

8 Term: misconstrue Definition: to misunderstand, misinterpret Sample Sentence: Bill misconstrued Amy’s meaning, even when she clearly said that she didn’t want to see him. Synonyms: misread, misunderstand

9 Term: elated Definition: ecstatic, overjoyed Sample Sentence: She was elated upon learning she had been accepted to her first choice college. Synonyms: blissful, overjoyed

10 Term: stigmatize O Definition: to mark as disgraceful, unworthy or disreputable O Sample sentence: Any member who disagreed with the chief was stigmatized as a traitor and expelled from the clan. O Synonyms: taint, defame

11 Term: archaic O Definition: ancient, old O Sample sentence: The company needs to update its archaic computer systems. O Synonyms: antique

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