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A Health Visitors role is a varied one and is an integral part of the NHS Community Health Service. The main focus of our work is prevention, helping people.

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Presentation on theme: "A Health Visitors role is a varied one and is an integral part of the NHS Community Health Service. The main focus of our work is prevention, helping people."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Health Visitors role is a varied one and is an integral part of the NHS Community Health Service. The main focus of our work is prevention, helping people to stay healthy and avoid illness.

2 The Health Visiting Team Natalia Mazepa Specchia Sam McGinty Jackie Bannister Louise Lumb

3 Health Visitors are: Experienced registered nurses with extra training and knowledge in community health, which includes child health, health promotion and education and nurse prescribing An important aspect of our work is maintaining good health and preventing ill health within the community We offer information and support at an individual level or within a group setting

4 Baby massage and Baby Yoga are offered.

5 Every family with children under five has a named Health Visitor. Our role is to offer support and encouragement to families through the early years from pregnancy and birth to primary school and beyond. We work closely with GPs and cover the geographical area of the GP practice

6 We offer help and advice to parents Child growth and development Breastfeeding, weaning and healthy eating Common skin problems Behaviour difficulties temper tantrums, sleeping, eating, potty training and teething

7 We are also involved in Working in partnership with families to tailor health plans to their need Coordinating child immunisation programmes Organising and running baby clinics

8 Health Promotion Groups Breastfeeding support groups Parenting groups Behaviour management


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