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I Know very little about these things.. . Valentino jacket £1,500 Sarah Palin.

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Presentation on theme: "I Know very little about these things.. . Valentino jacket £1,500 Sarah Palin."— Presentation transcript:

1 I Know very little about these things.


3 . Valentino jacket £1,500 Sarah Palin

4 £585 £15

5 Lydia Acts 16: 11 – 15.

6 11We sailed straight from Troas to Samothrace, and the next day we arrived in Neapolis. 12From there we went to Philippi, which is a Roman colony in the first district of Macedonia. We spent several days in Philippi. 13Then on the Sabbath we went outside the city gate to a place by the river, where we thought there would be a Jewish meeting place for prayer. We sat down and talked with the women who came. 14One of them was Lydia, who was from the city of Thyatira and sold expensive purple cloth. She was a worshiper of the Lord God, and he made her willing to accept what Paul was saying. 15Then after she and her family were baptized, she kept on begging us, "If you think I really do have faith in the Lord, come stay in my home." Finally, we accepted her invitation. 11We sailed straight from Troas to Samothrace, and the next day we arrived in Neapolis. 12From there we went to Philippi, which is a Roman colony in the first district of Macedonia. We spent several days in Philippi. 13Then on the Sabbath we went outside the city gate to a place by the river, where we thought there would be a Jewish meeting place for prayer. We sat down and talked with the women who came. 14One of them was Lydia, who was from the city of Thyatira and sold expensive purple cloth. She was a worshiper of the Lord God, and he made her willing to accept what Paul was saying. 15Then after she and her family were baptized, she kept on begging us, "If you think I really do have faith in the Lord, come stay in my home." Finally, we accepted her invitation.



9 Lydia 14 Lydia, who was from the city of Thyatira and sold expensive purple cloth

10 Thyatira



13 - Mulberries (royal purple) - Cherry (roots) - Blackberry (fruit) strong purple - - Japanese indigo (deep blue) - Red Cedar Root (purple) Other ways to make purple.

14 She was a worshiper of the Lord God, and he made her willing to accept what Paul was saying. 15Then after she and her family were baptized, she kept on begging us, "If you think I really do have faith in the Lord, come stay in my home." Finally, we accepted her invitation. She was a worshiper of the Lord God, and he made her willing to accept what Paul was saying. 15Then after she and her family were baptized, she kept on begging us, "If you think I really do have faith in the Lord, come stay in my home." Finally, we accepted her invitation.





19 WHAT YOU MUST DO! Admit that you are a sinner Admit that you are a sinner Be willing to turn from your sins Be willing to turn from your sins Believe that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for you. Believe that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for you. Invite Jesus to come into your life. Invite Jesus to come into your life.

20 Faith




24 She was a worshiper of the Lord God, and he made her willing to accept what Paul was saying. 15Then after she and her family were baptized, she kept on begging us, "If you think I really do have faith in the Lord, come stay in my home." Finally, we accepted her invitation. She was a worshiper of the Lord God, and he made her willing to accept what Paul was saying. 15Then after she and her family were baptized, she kept on begging us, "If you think I really do have faith in the Lord, come stay in my home." Finally, we accepted her invitation.


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