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D ATABASES – L ESSON 6 Key Stage 3 ICT. H OW DO DATABASES AFFECT YOU – T ASK 6A In your booklets, List 5 places that use a database and why?

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Presentation on theme: "D ATABASES – L ESSON 6 Key Stage 3 ICT. H OW DO DATABASES AFFECT YOU – T ASK 6A In your booklets, List 5 places that use a database and why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 D ATABASES – L ESSON 6 Key Stage 3 ICT

2 H OW DO DATABASES AFFECT YOU – T ASK 6A In your booklets, List 5 places that use a database and why?

3 O BJECTIVES Know how to write reports from a database Know how to use a query to select records for a report Know how to customise a report O UTCOMES All: Will have created a report in access Most: Will have used a query for the reports records Some: Will have customised the report

4 R EPORTS TO Y OUR BOSS. Queries are purely for selecting records – they are not suitable for end users. You cannot customise them, ie add titles, headings or colours. Lets learn about Reports – these you can customise.


6 W HAT IS A REPORT Has titles Has a header Has images Has the data Has a footer Easy to read Has data headings

7 H OW TO CREATE A R EPORT Select the query you want to report on What does a query do ? Selects records from the database


9 Click NEXT button THREE times...... Click FINISH button

10 I N A FEW C LICKS YOU GET ….- T ASK 6B Your turn to create the report using the “crime 1” query.

11 C USTOMISING THE REPORT. Right click and open the report in Design view Demonstration of how to… Change background colour Change Text colour / size / font Insert Image Edit Titles Not to amend Data Name

12 C REATE A REPORT ON ANOTHER OF YOUR QUERIES TO BE AS GOOD AS …. Has titles Has a header Has images Has the data Has a footer Easy to read Has data headings Extension: Now go and annotate and describe the main design features of your report..

13 P EER A SSESSMENT IN YOUR BOOKELTS Has titles Has a header Has images Has the data Has a footer Easy to read Has data headings

14 P LENARY – T ASK 6D Complete the Unit quiz in your work books.

15 Open the ICT levels spread sheet and find the Database Read each orange box and answer in the Orange box. Also fill in the www and ebi boxes. E ND OF U NIT

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