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Neutrino Ocillations and Astroparticle Physics (3)

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1 Neutrino Ocillations and Astroparticle Physics (3)
John Carr Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (IN2P3/CNRS) Pisa, 8 May 2002  Introduction to Cosmology and High Energy Astronomy - expansion of the universe - some astronomy - some cosmology - big bang nucleosynthesis - cosmic microwave background radiation - SuperNova Type 1a - Energy composition of universe

2 Expansion of Universe v= H r H ~ 70 km/sec / Mpc Velocity of galaxy
Edwin Hubble Mt. Wilson 100 Inch Telescope Velocity of galaxy proportional to distance: v= H r H ~ 70 km/sec / Mpc

3 Astronomy Scales 1 pc = 3 light years = 3 1016 km Nearest Stars
Nearest Galaxies Nearest Galaxy Clusters 4.5 pc 450 kpc 150 Mpc

4 Galaxies Spiral (Milky Way) Solar Mass: M = 2 1033g
1kpc 1kpc ~ 10% mass Solar Mass: M = g Typical stars mass 1-10 M Typical Galaxies M 100kpc

5 Milky Way Galaxy Magnetic field  few G

6 Cosmic Accelerators: Hillas Plot
Crab Pulsar E  Z B L  B Z: Charge of particle B: Magnetic field L: Size of object : Lorentz factor of shock wave M87, AGN Centurus A GRB (artist) 3C47 Vela SNR L

7 Active Galactic Nuclei
Radio Images Visible light

QUASAR MICROQUASAR QUASAR MICROQUASAR Central black hole M M distant galaxies local galaxy


10 Gamma-Ray Burst Story Gamma Ray Burst were first detected by the Vela satellites that were developed in the sixties to monitor nuclear test ban treaties. 1st GRB

11 Gamma Ray Bursts : present knowledge
~1-2 / day, duration 10ms - 100s, isotropic distribution in sky, at extra galactic distances. Count rate in unit of 1000 counts s-1 Now evidence of GRB association with supernova sec ANTARES will dump all data in  100 secs of gamma ray burst warning signal

12 Multi-Messengers to see Whole Universe
Distant universe invisible in high energy photons need neutrinos Quasar formation period

13 Evolution of the Universe
Consider a particle on surface of sphere which expands with universe: r : radius of sphere Mass inside sphere is: (4/3) r3  Potential energy of particle: -(4/3)r3  G/r Kinetic energy: r2/2 so total energy: r2/2 -(4/3)r3  G/r = E  : mass density in universe . . Sphere evolves with time, write r(t) = a(t) x remember H = v/r = a/a . Then get Freidmann equation: H2 = (8/3) G  - K/a2 where K = -2E Evolution of universe depends on value of K if K < 0, energy E > 0 expansion continues for ever if K > 0, energy E < 0 eventually universe contracts K = 0 critical value

14 Matter Density and Curvature of the Universe
Freidmann eqn: H2 = (8/3) G  - K/a2 With K = 0 Freidmann equation: H2 = (8/3) G  define critical density: c = (3/8)H2/G define density fraction:  =  / c Same K comes into the spatial line element in General Relativity: If K = 0, geometry is Euclidean - flat, if K = 0, geometry curved equivalently if  = 0 universe is flat  > 0 curvature positive, universe is closed  < 0 curvature negative, universe is open

15 Cosmological Constant
Einstein did not know about the expansion of the universe and add a ad-hoc term to make universe static Freidmann equation becomes: H2 = (8/3) G  - K/a2 +  /3 where  is cosmological constant Theory no longer needs it, but experiment seems to indicate its presence Conventional to treat it as another contribution to the density fraction (t) =  matter(t) +   =  matter 

16 Future of Universe

17 Origin of Elements formed in: Big Bang Nucleo-synthesis Hot Stars
Supernova Explosions Cosmic Ray Interactions

18 Big Bang T (K) ~ 1010/t½ (s) temperature of universe 1010 K 3000 K
Equilibrium n/p ends Nucleosynthesis begins 1010 K Neutral hydrogen forms universe transparent to light fossil photon radiation frozen temperature of universe 3000 K nuclei atoms 100 s 3 105 y time after big bang

19 Particle Physics after Big Bang
time since Big Bang

20 First Minute after Big Bang
Production rates = Annihilation rates  equilibrium of particles and no nuclei formed N (neutron) N (proton) = e m/kT (m = 1.3 MeV) In equilibrium: When temperature falls below 1010 K (1 MeV) reactions cease

21 Nucleosynthesis starts
Deuterium necessary to start nucleosynthesis Helium formed from deuterium ( Difficult to continue because no stable mass 5, 8 nuclei)

22 Nucleosynthesis development
helium-4 deuterium helium-3 tritium (free neutrons decay) Be, Li low levels

23 Element Production in Stars
PP cycle : cold stars CNO cycle : hot stars

24 Heavy Element Production in Supernova
CNO cycle : hot stars rp process : supernova explosions rp process protons stable nuclei neutrons Nuclear cross-sections not well known: need accelerator measurements

25 Nucleosynthesis rate gives baryon density
Measured abundance of He, D  Fraction of baryons < 5% Must have non-baryonic particle dark matter  = Nb/N , baryon number fraction

26 End of Opaque Universe After recombination universe becomes transparent. See photons as Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation redshifted by 1000 to 2.7K

27 Penzas and Wilson Discovery of Cosmic Microwave Background

28 Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

29 Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
temperature variation -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -55 -60  (degrees)  (degrees) Analyse angular distribution to see typical variation scale

30 Measure Scale of CMBR Fluctuations

31 CMBR Data Analysis location of first peak: Wtotal ~ 1
amplitude of other peaks sensitive to Wbaryon

32 Supernova Type 1a Implosion of core of red giant Expansion of matter shock wave  0.5 c Explosion of star Supernova Supernova Remnant SNIa occurs at Chandrasekar mass, 1.4 Msun  ‘Standard Candle’ measure brightness  distance: B = L / 4pd2 measure host galaxy redshift  get recession velocity test Hubble’s Law: v = H d, at large distances

33 SuperNovae observed in our galaxy
Date Remnant Observed 352 BC Chinese 185 AD SNR Chinese 369 ? Chinese Chinese SNR Chinese 437 ? 827 ? 902 ? SN Arabic, ... Crab Chinese,.. C Chinese,.. 1203 ? 1230 ? Tycho Tycho Brahe Kepler Johannes Kepler Cas A not seen ?

34 SuperNovae Remnants Crab Vela Kepler Tycho Cas A Cygnus Crab Tycho
Soleil Vela Cas A Cygnus Loop Kepler SN1006 Tycho Cas A SN1006 SN1054 (Crab) SN1680 (CasA) Cygnus SN1006

35 Supernova in Large Magellenic Cloud

36 Distant Supernova

37 Life of big star ( > 1,4 M)
End in Supernovae of type Ib, Ic et II


39 Life of big star ( < 1,4 M)

40 La nébuleuse de la Lyre

41 Type Ia supernovae SNe Ia sont which accrete matter from neighbour star in binary system When the mass achieves the Chandrasekhar mass (~1.4 M) star collapses to neutron star in supernova explosion. Red Giant Flow of matter White Dwarf  Always same mass so always same luminosity Standard Candle for measuring universe expansion

42 Reference Image Subtraction

43 Expansion with Supernova Ia
Acceleration of universe expansion effective magnitude  brightness  distance non-linear v = H(t) d redshift  recession velocity


45 In 1998, two teams: High-Z Supernovae and Supernovae Cosmology Project simultaneously annouce non-zero cosmological constant: WL = 0,72 ± 0,23 WM = 0,28 ± 0,09

46 So what does it mean? ( due to E. Copeland, a theorist)

47 Supernova at z1.7

48 Future Project: SNAP  2500 SNe Ia per year with z < 1.7
Study Equation of state w=pw/w - -

49 Understanding Nature of Dark Energy

50 Evidence for Matter Density Combined Data
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, Supernova 1a, Galaxy clusters and BBN tot = total  critical critical density for flat universe critical= 3H2/8GN H = h km/s/Mpc M = matter  critical

51 Matter/Energy in the Universe
Wtotal = WM + WL 1 matter dark energy Matter: WM = Wb + W + WCDM  0.4 baryons neutrinos cold dark matter Baryonic matter : Wb ~ 0.05 stars, gas, brown dwarfs, white dwarfs Neutrinos: W ~ 0.003 if M(n) ~ 0.1 eV as from oscillations Cold Dark Matter : WCDM  0.3 WIMPS/neutralinos, axions

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