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Rosie the Riveter In propaganda art, “our side” was always very attractive.. pure of heart.

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5 Rosie the Riveter








13 In propaganda art, “our side” was always very attractive.. pure of heart

14 and noble

15 During World War II, the military employed policies of racial restriction and segregation. At the beginning of the war, for example, blacks could join the Navy but could serve only as messmen.

16 Doris ("Dorie") Miller joined the Navy and was in service on board the U.S.S. West Virginia during the attack on Pearl Harbor. Restricted to the position of messman, he received no gunnery training. But during the attack, at great personal risk, he manned the weapon of a fallen gunman and succeeded in hitting Japanese planes.

17 He was awarded the Navy Cross

18 Masculine strength was a common visual theme in patriotic posters. Pictures of powerful men and mighty machines illustrated America's ability to channel its formidable strength into the war effort.

19 American muscle was presented in a proud display of national confidence.

20 Our men were strong, muscular, and had rugged good- looks.

21 We were encourage d toward some “worthy” purpose.

22 A variety of devices encouraged us to “conserve.” A little bit of “guilt”..

23 or a lot of guilt



26 We were asked to produce more..



29 Lidice was a Czech mining village that was obliterated by the Nazis in retaliation for the 1942 shooting of a Nazi official by two Czechs

30 All men of the village were killed in a 10-hour massacre; the women and children were sent to concentration camps. The destruction of Lidice became a symbol for the brutality of Nazi occupation during World War II.

31 Note the caricatured features and expression

32 It was easy to imagine them capable of all sorts of outrageous acts

33 No one would be safe

34 Of course our cause was just, because..

35 “we’re on God’s side.”

36 The enemy was presented as godless

37 one who sows the seeds of death and destruction

38 Words are ammunition. Each word an American utters either helps or hurts the war effort. He must stop rumors. He must challenge the cynic and the appeaser. He must not speak recklessly. He must remember that the enemy is listening. --Government Information Manual for the Motion Picture Industry Office of War Information


40 “Loose lips sink ships”

41 This Gold Star was displayed by families who had lost someone in the war.

42 Remember what these posters look like. You will create your own later in the unit THE END

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