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World Final Project. In order to look back and examine what we’ve discovered over the course of this second semester we will be creating posters that.

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Presentation on theme: "World Final Project. In order to look back and examine what we’ve discovered over the course of this second semester we will be creating posters that."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Final Project

2 In order to look back and examine what we’ve discovered over the course of this second semester we will be creating posters that focus on different themes and/or individuals connected to our studies. First you will choose your focus. There are three focus categories: Events, Figures, Concepts.

3 Events Pearl Harbor Battle of the Marne Battle of Britain Sinking of the Lusitania March Revolution Hiroshima and Nagasaki Cuban Missile Crisis Assignation of Archduke Holocaust Figures Mao Zedong Adolf Hitler Joseph Stalin Winston Churchill Franklin Delano Roosevelt Woodrow Wilson Benito Mussolini Ho Chi Minh Chaing Kai-Shek Concepts Communism Fascism Democracy Totalitarianism Trench Warfare Industrialization Proxy Wars Containment Genocide Capitalism

4 You may choose three from one category or one from each category. The idea is that you are going to create a common thread between all three so have an idea in mind before you choose. Once you have chosen you will look back to notes, use your text, and do further internet research on each topic.

5 On your board you will provide the following for each. 1. At least one paragraph description of the person/event/concept. 2. At least one paragraph on how it is similar or connected to each of the other two topics. 3. What impact this event/concept/person had on the 20th century. 4. Provide at least 2 pictures (drawn or printed but color) for each topic

6 Lastly... You may arrange you poster as you please but you will be in part graded on neatness and effort so put time in to make it look great! You must include a title for you poster that in some way explains the connections and themes you’re trying make between the three topics you chose. due Thursday the 22nd of May

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