International Program (Japan) 2012.01.31 - 2012.02.14 Chang Seungbin, Choi Dasom, Choi Hyunjoo.

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Presentation on theme: "International Program (Japan) 2012.01.31 - 2012.02.14 Chang Seungbin, Choi Dasom, Choi Hyunjoo."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Program (Japan) 2012.01.31 - 2012.02.14 Chang Seungbin, Choi Dasom, Choi Hyunjoo

2 Tottori, Japan

3 Tottori University Hospital  明治 26 年 4 月 1 日 (1893.4.1)  病院長 北野 博也 ( Kitano Hiroya)  There are 34 Divisions of specialized medical care  an Emergency Medical Center (establish in October 2004),  a General Maternity and Obstetrics Center (established in July 2006)  a Cancer Center (established in April 2007). Brain and Mind Medical Center (in July 2009) comprising 4 clinical departments (2009) - Psychiatry, Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Neuropediatrics - the Radiation Therapy building (in March) and Cancer Center facilities(in October)

4  Total number of Beds : (As of April.2010) :697  Admission patients (per day) : 608.3  Outpatients (per day):1314.5  ICU 15.3 HCU 7.7 ER center 8.0  The Number of Operations (per day) 219  平成 22 年度病床稼働率 ( ward utilization rate) 87.27%

5 Hospital Map

6 Hospital Entrance


8 A Graduate School of Public Health

9 Cashier’s Counter

10 Outpatients Building

11 Outpatient Clinic (ENT)

12 Examination & Treatment Room


14 Practice Teaching (Caloric Test )

15 Doctors’ Office

16 With Tottori University Medical Students

17 Fitting Room

18 Inpatients Building

19 Inpatient Clinic

20 Imaging Examination

21 Ultrasonography

22 Practice Teaching (Vessels Anastomosis)

23 Cafeteria

24 ENT Conference at ANA Hotel

25 After-Work Party

26 Tour with ENT Doctors

27 Mountain Daisen ( 大山 )

28 Matsue Castle

29 Adachi Museum

30 Lighthouse

31 Impressions 환자와의 라뽀를 중 요히 생각하는 돗토 리 대학 병원에서 많 은 것을 느끼고 배우 고 돌아왔습니다.

32 신경써주신 돗토리 대학 모든 ENT 의사분들과 한 국에서 지원해주신 교수님들께 진심으 로 감사드립니다.

33 이러한 친분이 앞 으로도 지속되길 바랍니다.

34 Completion of the Course

35 Thank you

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