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Enhancing the SQL Interfacade Evaluation conventions Implications for software design A possible solution.

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1 Enhancing the SQL Interfacade Evaluation conventions Implications for software design A possible solution

2 Sources for SQLEDDI The SQLEDDI interpreter was developed for CS233 Consult worksheets 6-7 on the CS233 website for: details of how to run / download eden + SQL0/EDDI pointers to documentation for EDDI and SQL0 These slides are essentially the file BeyondSQL0.ppt You are advised to study worksheets 6 and 7 - they supply the background for the CS319 lectures on SQL.

3 Interface or Interfacade? Have an SQL0 interface serving as an SQL interfacade SQL0 interface : decent interface to EDDI + not SQL SQL interfacade : real SQL + obscure interface to EDDI Improving the link involves understanding how SQL is related to relational theory exposing the ugly and complex semantics of SQL

4 Evaluation Conventions 1 Three evaluation conventions in EDDI no multiple rows strict type checking on domains and attributes use of natural join Can change these via the Uneddifying Interface See Worksheet 6 Questions 3-6 for illustration

5 Evaluation Conventions 2 Standard SQL violates all three evaluation conventions: allows duplicate rows - implements two types of selection: SELECT DISTINCT and SELECT dispenses with type checking on attributes uses unnatural join Issue: How to implement standard SQL using EDDI?

6 The Uneddifying Interface Worksheet 6 questions 3-6 expose many relevant issues by exercising The Uneddifying Interface: issues for multiple rows and for the implementation of SELECT DISTINCT / SELECT implications of more liberal type checking problematic aspects of unnatural join Summarise these in turn...

7 Multiple rows There is no syntactic support in EDDI for distinguishing SELECT from SELECT DISTINCT: distinct refers to the evaluation context not the query There is no support in EDDI for relations that are anything other than sets of tuples: is the standard SQL intention to have multisets of tuples? EDDI allows multiple rows is not an invariant assertion about the contents of relation tables: multiplicity once introduced is not eliminated

8 Loose type checking Loose type checking raises the key issue: What is meant by the value of a relation? EDDI : [name, price, qnt] are part of the value of apple The set of tuple values alone doesnt define the relation Are X+Y and Y+X the same relation if they are only compatible wrt domains not wrt attributes? If YES, there are unpleasant implications...

9 Unnatural join Consider the unnatural join: apple * allfruits Joining [name, price, qnt] and [name, begin, end] leads to [name_1, price, qnt, name_2, begin, end] Issue: is name_1 of the same type as name? etc To implement unnatural join as an algebraic operator would like to ensure e.g. (X*Y)*Z X*(Y*Z), or at very least that the two expressions are union-compatible Issue: how to process the attribute names?

10 Its no longer pure algebra Implications of loose type checking and unnatural join: values of algebraic expressions arent definable in a context-dependent way e.g. cant determine how to name attributes without considering other issues, such as the context and the order of evaluation laws of relational algebra and substitution properties that we expect of pure algebra (e.g. if X=3, then X*2 is the same thing as 3*2 = 6) no longer operate Practical implications for implementing standard SQL?

11 Implementing standard SQL? The obvious implementation strategy is - build an EDDI core intepreter with unnatural join - translate SELECT * FROM R, S into ?R*S; This FAILS because of the difficulty of matching - the attribute names generated by an unnatural join with - the attribute names associated with an SQL query

12 Implementing standard SQL... Consider query such as SELECT DISTINCT, FROM allfruits A, apple, allfruits B WHERE<>'granny' AND<>; Table tagging (allfruits A) and attribute annotation ( are necessary syntactic features to support unnatural join

13 A possible implementation 1 Unnatural join is implemented by referring to the FROM: FROM allfruits A, apple, allfruits B … Associated attributes are [name,begin,end], [name,price,qnt], [name,begin,end] Must disambiguate wherever natural join might operate: name,, begin A.begin, B.begin Will assume that the SQL query is formulated so that this disambiguation is precisely what is essential: i.e. tag a table only if it shares an attribute with other table

14 A possible implementation 2 Now construct the natural join of the relations to be joined with attributes appropriately renamed: For instance: FROM allfruits A, apple, allfruits B … translates to the natural join of the three relations derived from allfruits, apple, allfruits resp. by renaming: name >> A_name, begin >> A_begin, end >> A_end name >> apple_name, price, qnt name >> B_name, begin >> B_begin, end >> B_end Translate attribute references as A_begin, apple_name

15 A possible implementation 3 To deal with the distinction between SELECT and SELECT DISTINCT, introduce a pseudo relational operator Makedistinct to convert a multiset of tuples into a set of tuples. This makes it possible to use queries such as that framed above in conjunction with view creation, as in CREATE VIEW XXDIST AS (SELECT DISTINCT, FROM allfruits A, apple, allfruits B WHERE<>'granny' AND<>;

16 THE EDDI TRANSLATION OF THE SQL QUERY: SELECT DISTINCT, FROM allfruits A, apple, allfruits B WHERE<>'granny' AND<> %eddi A_1 is allfruits % name >> A_name, begin >> A_begin, end >> A_end; %eddi apple_1 is apple % name >> apple_name, price, qnt; %eddi B_1 is allfruits % name >> B_name, begin >> B_begin, end >> B_end; %eddi expr_1 is ((A_1 * apple_1 * B_1) : B_name != "granny". (A_1 * apple_1 * B_1) : A_name != B_name) % apple_name, A_name %eddi distexpr_1 is Makedistinct(expr_1); %eddi ?(distexpr_1);

17 The SQLEDDI translator A variant of the SQLEDDI environment that supports the translation of a richer subset of standard SQL according to the conventions outlined above can be derived from the basic SQL0 interface by modifying the SQL_to_EDDI translator and setting the evaluation conventions for the EDDI interpreter appropriately. The resulting toysql interpreter can be studied by invoking tkeden with the startup configurations Run1.eden / Run4.eden in the ~empublic/projects/sqleddiBeynon2002 directory

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