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Presentation on theme: "HERE: PERSPECTIVES ON LEARNING, LIVING AND WORKING AT MASSART June 1, 2015 Health Resources in Action."— Presentation transcript:


2 Racial/ Ethnic Background

3 Sexual Orientation

4 Living off Campus

5 Students spend their time doing:

6 How many hours did you work for pay?

7 Adequacy of Studio Space

8 Liberal Arts Classes  Diversity related topics  Art by people of color and women  Gender roles and gender politics  How cultural bias affects the perception and creation of art  Race  Color psychology in visual language  Business skills  Copyright and intellectual property laws for artists  Practical advice for entering the workplace of major  How to run a business  Course on charging/ legalities/ freelance  Life skills (e.g. interviewing, banking)  How to sell your art  Entrepreneurship Technical skills Story writing Specific coaching on critique Proofreading Technical Drawing Miscellaneous Spiritual practice, such as yoga or meditation Ethics “Home Economic” style guidance A better way to teach history to Artists Professional studies

9 Faculty and Staff  An overwhelming majority (upwards of 75%) of faculty and staff agreed or strongly agreed that the following would positively affect the climate on campus:  Providing tenure clock options with more flexibility for promotion/ tenure or faculty/ staff with families;  Providing immersion experiences for faculty/ staff in civic engagement projects with lower socioeconomic populations;  Providing immersion experiences for students in service learning projects with lower SES populations;  Providing more effective mentorship for new minority/ new women faculty;  Providing a clear and fair process to resolve conflicts;  Providing diversity and equity training to search and tenure committees;  Increasing staff representation in College governance.


11 ALANA students experience  I would recommend MassArt to prospective students  I am enjoying my experience as a student at MassArt  I feel a sense of pride in being a MassArt student  I am able to find fun social activities to attend on campus when I want to  I see myself as a part of the campus community  If I could start over again, I would choose to attend MassArt  I feel a sense of belonging to this campus

12 ALANA students also:  Singled out more  Not prepared for critique/receiving critique  Feel that their background matters in critique  Not finding role models at the same rate

13 A faculty/staff perspective  “We depend on our faculty to make good decisions regarding students, but the demographics of the faculty largely reflect [the] privileged backgrounds [of the top 10 art schools]. Putting students through the same regime that they went through when they didn’t have to pay for their education, but these students do and are working late and struggling with rent and supplies; just because someone knows how to paint doesn’t mean they know how to teach.”

14 A student perspective  “We don’t have a diversity center…things just fizzle out when not in vogue. We care about our students so we need to do something more thought out. Faculty need training on diversity, gender, disability… Faculty sometimes don’t listen to accommodations or call students out for it.”

15 Areas for Attention  The experience of ALANA and White-Hispanics students on campus affects their connection to the college community. Addressing their connection to campus may include macro level efforts and individual level efforts, supports that build connections among and between them and opportunities to build relationships with faculty and staff.

16 Areas for Attention  Instruction is another area in need of attention. Students commented that faculty needs to be better able to teach and engage with students. In terms of diversity and inclusion, especially important are the broadening of the cannon, generally to better include the histories and art of non-western traditions, and clarity and participation in the process of critique.

17 Areas for Attention  Last, the small numbers of students of color and perceptions on the part of students, staff, and notably faculty, that more needs to be done to recruit and retain faculty, staff and students, speak to the need to more fully represent the present diversity and continue to attract diverse members of the community to campus.

18 Diversity Plan  3 year effort  3 initial goals  Improve the experience of ALANA and White-Hispanic students  Improve and enhance instruction and learning  Recruit and retail diverse students, faculty and staff  Objectives and action plan, timeline

19 Goal 1: Improve the Experience of ALANA and White Hispanic Students  Objectives:  Improve the connection to the MassArt community for ALANA students and White- Hispanic students  Improve the connections among and between students  Improve relationships of ALANA students and White Hispanic students with their faculty and staff

20 Goal 2: Improve and enhance instruction and learning  Objectives:  Enhance the inclusion of issues of diversity and inclusion in the curriculum  Improve faculty engagement with students  Standardize, clarify and improve the process of critique, especially across difference

21 Goal 3: Recruit and Retain Diverse Students, Faculty and Staff  Objectives:  Increase the number of full time faculty and staff of color  Increase the number of women in full time faculty and staff positions, and in positions of authority  Recruit and retain students of color

22 Next steps  Input from faculty, students and staff  Prioritization and final draft  Realization of a budget for the activities  Timeline over next three years  Campus wide release

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