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Midterm Jeopardy Review Final Jeopardy GAPIEDMONT ATLANTACHEROKEE WOODSTK WMS Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500.

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Presentation on theme: "Midterm Jeopardy Review Final Jeopardy GAPIEDMONT ATLANTACHEROKEE WOODSTK WMS Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500."— Presentation transcript:


2 Midterm Jeopardy Review Final Jeopardy GAPIEDMONT ATLANTACHEROKEE WOODSTK WMS Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500

3 $100 Question from GA What hemispheres is Georgia in?

4 $100 Answer from GA Northern & Western

5 $200 Question from GA Who was Elijah Clarke?

6 $200 Answer from GA GA War Hero - Leader in the Battle of Kettle Creek

7 $300 Question from GA Why was the Fall Line important to Georgia’s development?

8 $300 Answer from GA Industries first developed along the Fall Line due to fast moving rivers – hydro electricity

9 $400 Question from GA Why are the Blue Ridge mountains important to Georgia?

10 $400 Answer from GA The Blue Ridge Mtns are a source of many rivers in GA; Much rain comes from the Mountains – providing water for the state’s aquifers

11 $500 Question from GA What were the Intolerable Acts and why were they passed?

12 $500 Answer from GA Intolerable acts were passed by Britain as a response to the Boston Tea Party. They: Closed the Port of Boston until the Tea was paid for; Redid the Quartering Act; Banned Massachusetts from having town meetings or electing officials.

13 $100 Question from PIEDMONT Who was Casmir Pulaski?

14 $100 Answer from PIEDMONT GA War Hero - Polish Nobleman who helped GA in the American Revolution. Died in the Siege of Savannah.

15 $200 Question from PIEDMONT Who were the Georgia signers of the Declaration of Independence?

16 $200 Answer from PIEDMONT Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton

17 $300 Question from PIEDMONT Describe the importance of the Battle of Kettle Creek

18 $300 Answer from PIEDMONT A moral victory for Georgia patriots because they captured much needed supplies and gained the support of many Georgia Loyalists?

19 $400 Question from PIEDMONT What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

20 $400 Answer from PIEDMONT National Gov’t was weaker than states. Could not tax. Articles could be amended too easily by the states

21 $500 Question from PIEDMONT What were the characteristics of the Georgia Constitution of 1777?

22 $500 Answer from PIEDMONT Unicameral legislature which held all the power despite 3 branches of government

23 $100 Question from ATLANTA Who were the Georgia signers of the Constitution?

24 $100 Answer from ATLANTA Abraham Baldwin and William Few

25 $200 Question from ATLANTA North or South? LincolnDavis Lee GrantSherman

26 $200 Answer from ATLANTA North: Lincoln, Grant & Sherman South: Davis & Lee

27 $300 Question from ATLANTA What was the land lottery system?

28 $300 Answer from ATLANTA Plan for distributing Native American land in GA where each person drew a land lot from a barrel. Land lot size was determined by the quality of land.

29 $400 Question from ATLANTA Why was the Yazoo land fraud is considered to be the worst political scandal in Georgia history?

30 $400 Answer from ATLANTA State Legislators were bribed (took money) to illegally sell GA land to land speculators.

31 $500 Question from ATLANTA What were the three things that GA’s Ordinance of Secession said?

32 $500 Answer from ATLANTA It repealed the ratification of the US Constitution. It declared Georgia an independent nation. It dissolved GA’s membership in the USA.

33 $100 Question from CHEROKEE What are the characteristics of the founding of UGA?

34 $100 Answer from CHEROKEE 1785 – First State chartered university in the country. Founded by Abraham Baldwin.

35 $200 Question from CHEROKEE What incident led colonists to react with the Boston Tea Party?

36 $200 Answer from CHEROKEE The British passed a law giving ONE British company the right to see tea to Americans.

37 $300 Question from CHEROKEE Why was Abraham Baldwin important to the Constitutional Convention?

38 $300 Answer from CHEROKEE He cast the tie vote which caused the Congress to come up with the Great Compromise. GC made a bicameral legislature (House of Reps (pop) & Senate

39 $400 Question from CHEROKEE Why were railroads important to Georgia?

40 $400 Answer from CHEROKEE Fast & efficient way to transport cotton; many cotton producing towns were far away from rivers – so they needed railroad to transport cotton.

41 $500 Question from CHEROKEE What was the importance of the Supreme Court case Worcester v. Georgia?

42 $500 Answer from CHEROKEE Missionaries sued the state of GA for jailing them. The Supreme Court ruled that “GA Law did not apply in Cherokee land and the missionaries should be set free.

43 $100 Question from WOODSTOCK Why were whites interested in Cherokee lands?

44 $100 Answer from WOODSTOCK Gold had been discovered on Cherokee land.

45 $200 Question from WOODSTOCK Why did Creek Indians turn against William McIntosh?

46 $200 Answer from WOODSTOCK William McIntosh illegally sold all remaining Creek land to the state of GA. He was killed by Creek Warriors.

47 $300 Question from WOODSTOCK How did the Cherokee try to avoid being removed from their land?

48 $300 Answer from WOODSTOCK The Cherokee tried to adapt to white culture by writing a Constitution, large scale agriculture, dressing and living like whites, developing a written language.

49 $400 Question from WOODSTOCK What was the importance of the Missouri Compromise?

50 $400 Answer from WOODSTOCK Balanced the power in the Congress between the Slave States and Free States – allowing Maine as free state and Missouri slave state to enter the USA.

51 $500 Question from WOODSTOCK What was the “Georgia Platform”?

52 $500 Answer from WOODSTOCK GA decided that they would not secede and that they would abide by the Compromise of 1850 as long as the North did as well.

53 $100 Question from WMS Why was the cotton gin important to growth in Georgia?

54 $100 Answer from WMS Cotton gin made it possible to grow and process cotton well in to the Piedmont Region

55 $200 Question from WMS How did Georgia respond to the Compromise of 1850?

56 $200 Answer from WMS The Governor called a convention to discuss the Compromise of 1850 & Secession.

57 $300 Question from WMS What were the results of the Dred Scott case?

58 $300 Answer from WMS Dred Scott was property, a slave, and had no rights to sue. Court also said that the Congress could NOT BAN slavery in the new western territories.

59 $400 Question from WMS What were the reasons for establishing the Georgia colony?

60 $400 Answer from WMS 1.Defense against Spanish in FL (buffer colony to S.C.) 2.Economics - Mercantilism 3.Religious Freedom for Protestants 4.Politics – More power for King of England

61 $500 Question from WMS Why did the southern states secede after Lincoln was elected?

62 $500 Answer from WMS Southerners feared that Lincoln would declare Slavery illegal; increase National authority over States’ rights & that slavery would not be allowed in the Western Territories.

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