Modeling the goal argumentation method By A. J. Jansen.

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Presentation on theme: "Modeling the goal argumentation method By A. J. Jansen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modeling the goal argumentation method By A. J. Jansen

2 Introduction Goal Argumentation Method For justifying goal modeling decisions Definition of GAM: A method to model the arguments and choices made in the Requirement Engineering processes for Information Systems. Purpose of GAM: -To prevent loss of modeling reasons over time or in big projects -To provide a structured form for the reasoning proces in requirement engineering

3 Authors Ivan J. Jureta PHD University of Namur Research focus on method engineering and automation 222 citations on Microsoft Academic Search Stépahn Faulkner Associate Professor at the University of Namur Research focus on Technologies and Information Systems Engineering 338 citations on Microsoft Academic Search Pierre-Yves Schobbens Professor at the University of Namur Research focus on on requirement engineering and model driven engineering 847 citations on Microsoft Academic Search

4 The Goal Argumentation Method Problem Statement Alternatives Alternative Justification Diagram Change Problem analysis Evaluation Decission Problem Setting

5 Related Literature 1/2  Curtis B. (1988) Conclusion: Lack of documentation of RE arguments is a large cause for project failure.  Castroa J. K. M. (2002) provided a widely accepted method in RE: the Tropos Method  Lourdas P.,(2000) provided a reasoning loop model  Chesñevar C.I. (2000) provided a way to abstract the arguments to a logical model  Dardenne A. (1993) provided a way to convert these abstracted arguments to code

6 Related Literature 2/2 Pohl (1994) states that a RE method should have at least three dimensions:  the specification dimension  the representation dimension  the argumentation dimension Related methods CobiT (Martínez M., 2010) and the KAOS method (Darimont R., 1997)

7 GAM Versions  Light Modus  Normal Modus  Advanced Modus


9 Example A professor wants to build a service, in which he offers the lectures, that he and his department give, online. This is in case students are “ill” and through this have to miss a lecture. However, this should not cost too much, since budget cuts also hit the university…

10 GAM Light: Decission Process

11 Dialectical Tree Map

12 GAM Normal: Dialectical Tree Map

13 GAM Advanced: Advanced Dialectical tree

14 Conversion

15 GAM-Tropos Translation Rules Examples task(aquire audiorecording skills) do(aquire_audiorecording_skills(lecturer) Acquire skills on how to record audio provide(slides(lecturer))resource(slides) slides Labeled well-formed formulas in a dialectical tree Intermediary languageElement in a Tropos Goal Diagram

16 Tropos RE Diagram + Lecturer Provide audio online Post on website Student Cheap to use Acquire skills on how to record audio Course website Slides Record Audio Audio records + easy to aquire provide slides online + Tropos RE Diagram

17 Questions

18 References  Curtis B., K. H. (1988). A Field Study of the Software Design Process for Large Systems. Communications of the ACM, 1268-1287.  Castroa J., K. M. (2002). Towards Requirement-Driven Information Systemens Engineering: The Tropos Project. Information Systems 27, 365- 389.  Chesñevar C.I., M. A. (2000). Logical Models of Arguments. ACM Computer Serveys 32, 32-41.  Dardenne A, v. L. (1993). Goal-directed requirements acquisition. Science of Computer Programming volume 20, 3-50.  Darimont R., D. E. (1997). GRAIL/KAOS: An Environment for Goal Driven Requirement Engineering. ICSE '97 Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Software engineering (pp. 612-613). New York: ACM Inc.  Lourdas P., a. L. (2000). A Generic Model for Reflective Design. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, Vol. 9, 199-237.  Martínez M., L. J.-M. (2010). A Personal Data Audit Method through Requirements Engineering. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 166–178.

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