“ My Countertops are Black Granite”. MAGMA/LAVA Weathering & Erosion SEDIMENTS SEDIMENTARY ROCKS METAMORPHIC ROCKS Melting Burial Lithification Heat Pressure.

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Presentation on theme: "“ My Countertops are Black Granite”. MAGMA/LAVA Weathering & Erosion SEDIMENTS SEDIMENTARY ROCKS METAMORPHIC ROCKS Melting Burial Lithification Heat Pressure."— Presentation transcript:

1 “ My Countertops are Black Granite”

2 MAGMA/LAVA Weathering & Erosion SEDIMENTS SEDIMENTARY ROCKS METAMORPHIC ROCKS Melting Burial Lithification Heat Pressure Cooling & Crystallization IGNEOUS ROCKS Transportation & Deposition ROCK CYCLE

3 Feldspar Hornblende Quartz GRANITE (Igneous rock)

4 Granite from Yoesmite Eastern side of the GRANITE BATHOLITH that makes up the Sierra Nevada

5 Formation of Granite Batholith (usually result from Plate Tectonic Activity, associated with convergent boundaries and the process of subduction.

6 Occurrence of Granitic Batholiths in western North America. Most of these have been age dated between 90-120 million years old.


8 Counter tops of granite

9 Igneous - Gabbro Igneous -Gabbro (“black granite”) Metamorphic -Migmatite Other Counter tops

10 Chase Bank – Sedimentary Fossiliferous Limestone Summit AC – Igneous Gabbro Private Home – Sedimentary Breccia

11 Private Home – Metamorphic Gneiss Private Home - Metamorphic

12 “I am really pissed off!”

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