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B2B: CRM and EAI. 2 OBJECTIVES 1.Introduce CRM 2.Demonstrate an analytical CRM system 3.Introduce EAI encompassing CRM 4.Introduce components of EAI:

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Presentation on theme: "B2B: CRM and EAI. 2 OBJECTIVES 1.Introduce CRM 2.Demonstrate an analytical CRM system 3.Introduce EAI encompassing CRM 4.Introduce components of EAI:"— Presentation transcript:

1 B2B: CRM and EAI

2 2 OBJECTIVES 1.Introduce CRM 2.Demonstrate an analytical CRM system 3.Introduce EAI encompassing CRM 4.Introduce components of EAI: VRU

3 3 Overview: CRM and EAI

4 4 CRM (Customer Relationship Management) What is CRM? Strategy (ideas) and implementations (software) of managing customer relationship (for retention) Components of CRM strategy: –sales force automation: from contacts to sales –customer service: customer care and self-care, tailoring and personalization –analytics: analyze, report and predict

5 5 CRM Implementation Implementation of the strategy: CRM applications, examples Siebel: ePiphany:

6 6 Implementation Example: Analytical CRM

7 7 Architecture of the example 3-tier architecture Presentation Business logic: record and calculation Data: MySQL database

8 8 EAI for CRM, VRU, and Web

9 9 Other non-Web apps: VRU VRU: voice response unit Example: IBM Directalk voice response unit Programmed answer machines prior to zero out to a customer representative (using CRM) Supplied with mainframe data (e.g., customer health claims and membership)

10 10 Legacy Access and Integration: EAI EAI: enterprise application integration Using middleware for integration Example: IBM MQ, TIBCO … Enterprise systems: large amount of users and legacy database

11 11 Example of EAI Using MQ

12 12 EAI Enterprise Application Integration As a Corporate Strategy As a computer system - middleware

13 13 Exercises What is the difference between a Web and a non-Web application? What application can link all kinds of applications? What architecture can best describe an CRM system?

14 14 Summary CRM VRU Web applications (Online service) Integration with Mainframe: EAI

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