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Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages CELTA.

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Presentation on theme: "Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages CELTA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages CELTA

2 CELTA overview Introductory course Focus on teaching adults Teaching practice Workshops / input sessions Observation of experience teachers Written assignments 120 hours of contact time with tutors 80 hours of reading, research, assignments & lesson preparation

3 Course aims Council of Europe Levels The CELTA course enables candidates to: 1.acquire essential subject knowledge and familiarity with the principles of effective teaching. 2.acquire a range of practical skills for teaching English to adult learners. 3.demonstrate their ability to apply their learning in a real teaching context. [From: Cambridge Syllabus and Assessment Guidelines]

4 Unit 2 - Language analysis and awareness Unit 3 – Language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing Unit 4 - Planning and resources for different teaching contexts Unit 5 – Developing teaching skills and professionalism Unit 1 - Learners and teachers, and the teaching and learning context Syllabus overview

5 Assessment Components Component Two Classroom-related assignments Component One Planning & teaching 6 hours of assessed teaching 4 written assignments

6 Component One: Teaching 6 hours in total 8 assessed lessons (6x40mins; 2x60mins) 2 different levels Specific and detailed assessment criteria Assessed on lesson planning & teaching skills 3 possible grades for each lesson: Above standard To standard Below standard

7 Component Two: Assignments 4 classroom-related written assignments: Focus on the learner Language awareness Skills Self evaluation Word length: 750 – 1000 words each Marked against clear criteria One third are double-marked You can resubmit each assignment once

8 If you want to know more about the CELTA course, you can visit:

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