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 Used by all scientists  Step One: Observe  This is how you decide what to study.

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2  Used by all scientists  Step One: Observe  This is how you decide what to study

3  Step Two: Question  Ex: How will salt water affect plant growth?

4  Step Three: Hypothesis  Your answer to the question  Could be right or wrong  Ex: Plants will not grow as tall if they are watered with salt water

5  Step 4: Experiment  How you test your question  Ex: Water several plants with different levels of salt water

6  Control—part of the experiment that is keps the same  Ex: Plant with normal water, amount of water, soil and sun  Try to test just one thing/experiment  Ex: Salt water only

7  Independent Variable—part of the experiment that I change  Ex: Amount of salt water  Dependent Variable—change in the experiment I don’t control  Ex: How much the plant grows

8  Step 5: Data/Results  Information from the experiment  Ex: Amount of plant growth in cm

9  Step 6: Conclusion  Explain the results of your experiment  Was my hypothesis right or wrong?  Should I test more plants?

10  Step 7: Report your results  Let other scientists know what you did  Step 8: Verify results  Did the other scientists get the same results as you?

11  Step 9: Form a theory  If everyone else gets your same results, your hypothesis becomes a theory  Can still be disproven

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