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-General features of DNA replication in Prokaryotic

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1 -General features of DNA replication in Prokaryotic
Chapter 21 DNA Replication II: Detailed Mechanism Objectives -General features of DNA replication in Prokaryotic -Enzymology of DNA replication -DNA Replication : Detailed mechanisms -Speed of replication -initiation -Elongation



4 Speed of Replication • The pol III holoenzyme synthesizes DNA at the rate of about 730 nt/sec in vitro • The rate in vivo is almost 1000 nt/sec • This enzyme is highly processive both in vitro and in vivo

5 21.1 Initiation • Initiation of DNA replication means primer synthesis • Different organisms use different mechanisms to make primers • Different phages infect E. coli using quite different primer synthesis strategies • Coliphages were convenient tools to probe DNA replication as they are so simple they must rely primarily on host proteins to

6 Origin of Replication in E. coli
Primosome assembly at oriC occurs as follows: – DnaA binds to oriC at sites called dnaA boxes and cooperates with DNA polymerase and HU protein in melting a DNA region adjacent to leftmost dnaA box – DnaB binds to the open complex and facilitates binding of primase to complete the primosome –primes Okazaki fragment synthesis on lagging strand – DnaB has a helicase activity that unwinds DNA as the replisome progresse

7 Priming in E. coli • Primosome refers to collection of proteins needed to make primers for a given replicating DNA • Primer synthesis in E. coli requires a primosome composed: – DNA helicase – DnaB – Primase, DnaG • Primosome assembly at the origin of replication, oriC uses multi-step sequence






13 Summary: The yeast Ori contained with autonomously replicating sequence (ARSs) That composed of 4 important regions: A, B1 ,B2 and B3: A is 15 bp long( 11 bp consensus conserved ARSs) B3: allows DNA bending

14 Elongation • Once a primer is in place, real DNA synthesis can begin • An elegant method of coordinating the synthesis of lagging and leading strands -keep the pol III holoenzyme engaged with the template • Replication can be highly processive and so very rapid

15 The Pol III Holoenzyme and Processivity of Replication
• Pol III core alone is a very poor polymerase, after assembling 10 nt it falls off the template • Takes about 1 minute to reassociate with the template and nascent DNA strand • Something is missing from the core enzyme – The agent that confers processivity on holoenzyme allows it to remain engaged with the template – Processivity agent is a “sliding clamp”, the β- subunit of the holoenzyme

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