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Focus  What could faith formation in Christian churches look like in 2020?  Specifically, how can Christian congregations provide vibrant faith formation.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus  What could faith formation in Christian churches look like in 2020?  Specifically, how can Christian congregations provide vibrant faith formation."— Presentation transcript:


2 Focus  What could faith formation in Christian churches look like in 2020?  Specifically, how can Christian congregations provide vibrant faith formation to address the spiritual and religious needs of all ages and generations over the next 10 years?



5 Driving Forces 1. Declining number of Christians and growing number of people with no religious affiliation. 2. Increasing number of people becoming more “spiritual” and less “religious” 3. Declining participation in Christian churches 4. Increasing diversity and pluralism in U.S. society 8 Key Driving Forces

6 Driving Forces 5. Increasing influence of individualism on Christian identity and community life 6. Changing patterns of marriage and family life 7. Declining family religious socialization 8. Increasing use of digital age & web technologies 8 Key Driving Forces


8 4 Scenarios 1. Will trends in U.S. culture lead people to become more receptive to organized religion, and in particular Christianity or will trends lead people to become more resistant to organized religion and Christianity? 2. Will people’s hunger for and openness to God and the spiritual life increase over the next decade or will people’s hunger for and openness to God and the spiritual life decrease. Two Critical Uncertainties

9 Dominant Cultural Attitude toward Organized Religion Receptive Low High People’s Hunger for God and the Spiritual Life Resistant

10 Scenario 4 Uncommitted & Participating Scenario 1 Vibrant Faith & Active Engagement Scenario 3 Unaffiliated & Uninterested Scenario 2 Spiritual but Not Religious

11 4 Scenarios Receptive to Scenario #4 Uncommitted but Participating Organized Religion Scenario #1 Vibrant Faith and Active Engagement Low Hunger Scenario #3 Unaffiliated and Uninterested Resistant to for God High Scenario #2 Spiritual but Not Religious Organized Religion

12 Strategies Scenario 1  Lifelong faith formation  Generationally-specific faith formation ▪ iGeneration ▪ Millennials ▪ Gen X ▪ Baby Boomers  Multi-generational Faith Formation  Targeting young families  Empowering the community to share their faith

13 Strategies Scenario 4  Family faith formation, especially families with children  Milestones faith formation  Pathways to vibrant faith and active engagement  Faith formation in Christian practices

14 Strategies Scenario 2  Targeting the Millennial Generation  Milestones faith formation  Faith formation in Third Place settings  Targeting spiritual seekers  Apprenticeships in discipleship  Spiritual formation  Faith formation in Christian practices

15 Strategies Scenario 3  Faith formation in Third Place settings  Community-based ministry sponsored by a congregation(s):  Family center / early childhood center  Service & mission projects  Drama and Art  Music

16 Sidewalk Van



19 Shifting from... “One Size Fits All” Curriculum & Programming to Personalized & Customized Faith Formation focusing on addressing people’s spiritual and religious growth by offering a wide variety of religious content and experiences “Differentiated Faith Formation”

20 Concept A Lifelong Faith Formation Network that addresses the diverse life tasks and situations, spiritual and religious needs, and interests of all ages and generations in the four scenarios by offering a variety of content, programs, activities, and resources.

21  Move from a curriculum approach to a network approach  Provide 24 x 7 x 365 faith formation for all ages and generations—anytime & anywhere  Integrate faith formation in physical settings—church, home, community—with virtual (online) faith formation—websites, learning programs, resource centers

22 PHYSICAL SETTINGS Interactive Transformative Experiences Online Communities & Blogs Courses & Webinars Small Groups Study User- Generated Content Learning Resources Audio, Video, Print

23 Activity Face-to-Face Virtual 1.On Your Own 2.At Home 3.In Small Group 4.In Large Group 5.In Church 6.In Community & World Spiritual & Religious Needs Topics or Themes

24  Bible study taking place across the whole congregation: on you own, family @home, small group, lecture series, family/intergenerational program culminating In  A whole-church, intergenerational gathering (meal, sharing, prayer, Bible learning experiences) for all ages who participated in the Bible study

25 Whole Church Gathering On Your Own (Online Resources) Small Group Online Course Family @Home (Online Resources) 4-Week Series @Church (video online) Family or Intergenerational Program

26 Share It @Home Online Blog/Forum Study It Taking Faith Home Sermon Video + Study Guide Daily Bible Reading Live It Living the Sunday Readings through the Week Service This Week Pray It Table Prayer for the Week Sunday Worship


28  Shifting from providing religious content and programming to curating religious content and experiences for all ages  A content curator is someone who continually finds, groups, organizes, and shares the best and most relevant content on a specific subject to match the needs of a specific audience.

29 Research Aggregate & Evaluate Deliver Communicate & Connect






35 Research Aggregate & Evaluate Deliver Communicate & Connect






41 Apprenticeship Processes Apprenticeships in Discipleship

42 Empowering the Community to Share their Faith


44 YouVersion Bible App












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