Salary and Additional Pay Encumbrances Planned Go Live May 1, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Salary and Additional Pay Encumbrances Planned Go Live May 1, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salary and Additional Pay Encumbrances Planned Go Live May 1, 2015

2 Salary and Additional Pay Encumbrance – Go Live May 1, 2015 Salaried Employees Recurring Additional Pay Encumbered through the end of the Fiscal Year – August 31, 2015 Fringe Benefit Encumbrance – Planned Go Live September 1, 2015 Testing of Salary and Additional Pay Encumbrance Process – March 23 through April 24, 2015 Baseline Calculation and Validation Payroll Liquidation Process Funding and Job Record Changes – Recalculation of Encumbrance Reports: Budget Overview, MFR, New Custom Reports Impacts to other processes such as Accounting Actuals and Grant Project Costing Salary and Additional Pay Encumbrance – Go Live May 1, 2015 Salaried Employees Recurring Additional Pay Encumbered through the end of the Fiscal Year – August 31, 2015 Fringe Benefit Encumbrance – Planned Go Live September 1, 2015 Testing of Salary and Additional Pay Encumbrance Process – March 23 through April 24, 2015 Baseline Calculation and Validation Payroll Liquidation Process Funding and Job Record Changes – Recalculation of Encumbrance Reports: Budget Overview, MFR, New Custom Reports Impacts to other processes such as Accounting Actuals and Grant Project Costing

3 Salary and Additional Pay Encumbrance Calculation Processes Baseline each September 1 of a new Fiscal Year   Annual Salary or Academic Year Salary if a 9 month contract   Annual Additional Pay (if recurring and not just one time) Liquidation after payroll process   Reduces current encumbrances by the amount paid in the payroll just completed Recalculation of Encumbrances as a result of job changes and/or funding changes Salary and Additional Pay Encumbrance Calculation Processes Baseline each September 1 of a new Fiscal Year   Annual Salary or Academic Year Salary if a 9 month contract   Annual Additional Pay (if recurring and not just one time) Liquidation after payroll process   Reduces current encumbrances by the amount paid in the payroll just completed Recalculation of Encumbrances as a result of job changes and/or funding changes

4 Formula for Encumbrance Calculations 12 Month Employees (365 Days in a Year)   (Annual Rate/365)*# of days left in the fiscal year = Projected Encumbrance   # of days left in a fiscal year for projected encumbrance May 1 st forward is 123 days Faculty – 9 Month Contract (273 Days September 1 through May 31)   (Academic Compensation Value/273)*# of days left in the academic year = Projected Encumbrance   # of days left in academic year for projected encumbrance May 1 st forward is 31 days Formula for Encumbrance Calculations 12 Month Employees (365 Days in a Year)   (Annual Rate/365)*# of days left in the fiscal year = Projected Encumbrance   # of days left in a fiscal year for projected encumbrance May 1 st forward is 123 days Faculty – 9 Month Contract (273 Days September 1 through May 31)   (Academic Compensation Value/273)*# of days left in the academic year = Projected Encumbrance   # of days left in academic year for projected encumbrance May 1 st forward is 31 days

5 Formula for Encumbrance Calculations – Continued Faculty – 4.5 Month Contract (136 Days for 4.5 Months – Fall or Spring)   (Semester Compensation Value/136)*# of days left in the spring academic semester = Projected Encumbrance   # of days left in spring academic semester for projected encumbrance May 1 st forward is 31 days Additional Pay   Please note that additional pay TMP and SUP earnings will roll into the account code of REG earnings. So if a discrepancy is found when calculating your REG earnings please be sure to check if the employee should be receiving a TMP or SUP supplement. Formula for Encumbrance Calculations – Continued Faculty – 4.5 Month Contract (136 Days for 4.5 Months – Fall or Spring)   (Semester Compensation Value/136)*# of days left in the spring academic semester = Projected Encumbrance   # of days left in spring academic semester for projected encumbrance May 1 st forward is 31 days Additional Pay   Please note that additional pay TMP and SUP earnings will roll into the account code of REG earnings. So if a discrepancy is found when calculating your REG earnings please be sure to check if the employee should be receiving a TMP or SUP supplement.

6 To Use for Validating Encumbrance Values Navigation of PeopleSoft for Current Job Table Main Menu Workforce Administration Job Information Current Job   Need EMPL ID or Name of incumbent   Provides Compensation Rate   Provides information needed for the incumbent assigned into a position Query for the Current Funding on a Department Budget Table Main Menu HCM Reporting Tools Query Query Viewer Query Name: UTS_CA_POSITIONS_FUNDED_FILLED   Provides current funding of positions that are currently filled   Provides distribution % on split funding To Use for Validating Encumbrance Values Navigation of PeopleSoft for Current Job Table Main Menu Workforce Administration Job Information Current Job   Need EMPL ID or Name of incumbent   Provides Compensation Rate   Provides information needed for the incumbent assigned into a position Query for the Current Funding on a Department Budget Table Main Menu HCM Reporting Tools Query Query Viewer Query Name: UTS_CA_POSITIONS_FUNDED_FILLED   Provides current funding of positions that are currently filled   Provides distribution % on split funding

7 Custom Reports Currently Being Tested   Payroll Liquidation   Budget Actuals to Encumbrance Details   Encumbrance Details by Employee ID and Salary   Salary Roster Custom Reports Currently Being Tested   Payroll Liquidation   Budget Actuals to Encumbrance Details   Encumbrance Details by Employee ID and Salary   Salary Roster

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