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Abortion Part Three. Starter. What are your views on the mother who aborted her baby because her baby had a cleft palate. This operation can be corrected.

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Presentation on theme: "Abortion Part Three. Starter. What are your views on the mother who aborted her baby because her baby had a cleft palate. This operation can be corrected."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abortion Part Three

2 Starter. What are your views on the mother who aborted her baby because her baby had a cleft palate. This operation can be corrected. Remember two Doctors have to agree to an abortion. A lady did have this abortion. She said the infant would be disabled! What would a Christian say?

3 What are your views on the mother who aborted one of her twins because she could not afford to keep both? Remember that if the woman cannot cope, or already has some children then she can abort one. What would Christians say about this?

4 Should conjoined twins be aborted? Get two sides to discuss this? What sort of arguments are being used? What would be the right thing to do? What would a Christian do?

5 Essential. 1. All Catholics will believe that abortion is morally wrong. 2. Yet they will allow it to save the life of the mother. 3. Christians in general will also say that abortion is morally wrong. 4. It is seen as a sin. In the 10 Commandments it says you should not kill. 5.However they will all tend to consider the individual case. 6. Some Christians will say that if in doubt consider the mothers life as being more important. 7. In the case of rape, most Christians will struggle to reach a decision. They will say the infant is innocent. Therefore the life should not be destroyed. Yet they will also consider the mental state of the mother. If she could not cope mentally with this then they will allow the abortion.


7 Approximately 25% of the world population lives in countries with highly restrictive abortion laws, mostly in Latin America, Africa and Asia. These are the countries where abortion is most restricted according to the law. In some countries, such as in Chili, women still go to prison for having an illegal abortion.

8 You will need to decide when the life begins. In order for that to happen we include a detailed explanation of the unborn foetus week by week.

9 Week No. The Baby's Development 1: Growing bundle of cells enter uterus 3: Eyes, ears and blood vessels begin to form 4: Heart starts beating 6: All major organs present in rudimentary form 7: Embryo is the size of a grape

10 9: Fingernails begin to form, eyelids close over eyes 10: Baby about 2.5 in long 11: Baby can move its thumb to its finger; the two halves of the palette fuse; vocal chords in place 12: Form of the genitals is established 13: Skeleton begins to turn to bone 14: Circulation is effective with the heart pumping 28 litres a day Bone structure growing

11 15. Baby thought to be aware of loud external noises. Head hair, eyelashes and eyebrows visible 16: Mother begins to feel the baby's movements. Thumb sucking begins 16. Can get hiccups 19. Sleeps a lot 20: Baby develops a pattern of activity and sleep; arms and legs reach relative birth proportions

12 22. Eyebrows are present/ Small chance the baby would live in born now; lungs immature 23. Fingerprints begin to form 24. Fingernails have grown 24: Half of babies born at this stage survive given sophisticated care 25: 80% of premature babies survive at this stage 26: Lungs sufficiently developed to survive 28. Eyelids split to allow sight, Baby responds to Mother's voice 29. Hearing becomes more acute, Baby settles in to head-down position Baby is half the length it will be at birth 30-34: Pupils show reflex response to light 35: Baby orientates spontaneously towards light; begins practising breathing movements and can get hiccups 37: Growth slows or stops; baby is about 16-18 inches long 38: Birth, although only 5% make their 'due date', and 8-12% wait another 3 weeks

13 An unborn foetus at 20 weeks.

14 7 weeks old

15 7 weeks of development

16 7 weeks old

17 8 weeks

18 11 weeks


20 12 weeks

21 3 and a half months



24 Baby at 4 months

25 5 months 20 weeks approx

26 20 weeks

27 6 months old

28 End of abortion part three

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